Late Night Dinner & Secret Shopping Trip

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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to Graylor0800 as you were one of my first readers and your consistant in the Votes so you deserved a dedication

I hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 30

Taylor POV

When Mary called my name from down the corridor I just felt a wave of relief wash over me. I’d seriously thought that someone had taken her away and we’d never see her again but here she is and I could not be happier. But I wasn’t in the mood to go out for dinner now; I have an early morning tomorrow to go to the press conference about my record sales for Ronan. I wanted the perfect night just curled up in bed watching a move with Grant and Mary as we’d had a really stressful day and we didn’t need any more stress.

“Hey guys, thank you so much for all your help. I know we were planning to go out to dinner and celebrate the show but I’m tired and Mary needs to get to bed. We’ll see you all tomorrow anyway as I know you don’t leave till the day after” I say as everyone assembles back in the large dressing room.

“We’ll be there for the award ceremony anyway as we wouldn’t miss it...Goodnight you three” Al said as we walked back to my dressing room so I could grab my things before we headed out to the car. I wasn’t going to let Mary out of my arms tonight but I wanted to be next to Grant too so I sat in the middle of the backseat.

“I love both of you with all of my heart” I say as the car starts the journey back to the hotel. Mary snuggled next to me and Grant placed his arm round my shoulders. Today had been a large shock after almost permanently losing Mary and I couldn’t wait to get back to Nashville to try and continue the process of making her officially my daughter. I mean I’d tried before but then the whole issue with Mary’s biological mother came up when we were processing the paperwork and that is why it all came to a halt like it has.

“Is Mary in bed?” I asked Grant as I walked into our bedroom where he was on his phone. When the car had pulled up to the hotel I’d spotted the fans before Grant which is why I’d sent him upstairs with Mary so she could go to bed considering she was asleep next to me when we arrived. I on the other hand went and spoke with my fans, signed things and took photos for about 10 minutes before I knew I needed to go.

“Yeah she was out like a light” Grant remarked and I knew he wasn’t kidding because Mary was really tired.

“You order, I’ll go tuck her in” I smiled walking over to Mary’s room which was next to our bedroom in the suite.

“I’ve already done so” Grant called as I opened Mary’s door and snuck into her room.

“Sweet dreams darling, we’re going to have another jam packed day tomorrow” I brush Mary’s hair out of her face and bring the covers up over her shoulders. I crept back out the room and moved back to my bedroom where Grant was sitting up with open arms just begging for me to enter them.

“She’s all tucked up, we’ve all had a big day” I curl up next to Grant who had the TV on low in the background but wasn’t really watching it.

“You can say that again. I think she’s had a good day though, all except the ending of the show of course” Grant stated. The hold which Mary had on my during our hug had really shown me how scared she’d been about everything, she’s practically gripped onto me for dear life.

“You know I’m not sure if I really want to stay in Rio longer than we need to…I mean she’s had a bad experience on this trip and with us going away soon I think it’s best if we go home the day after tomorrow” I say and whilst I didn’t really want to go home I knew it would be better for Mary.

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