Arrival of Ed

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Chapter 6

Taylor POV

After finishing our meals I knew that it was time to say our farewells and made our way back to the studio. I really wanted to listen to the ones which I’d recorded this morning and see if there was anything I needed to change whilst also I wanted to record a song with one of my closest friends Ed Sheeran and he was only here in Nashville for a couple of days. I think Mary had a good time with my parents and Austin and I can be certain that mom really liked meeting Mary even if no-one else seemed to be overly excited about her. One thing was for sure, I thought my dad was going to want to know Mary more but obviously I had been wrong and he was more interested in his phone. I understand that he had to make changes considering he’d taken time off work to come to this lunch and that it was longer than his usual lunch break. Still he didn’t seem to be able to put that phone down and actually pay attention to us and to Mary.

He’s my biggest fan and I know how amazing he is with all my fans, he’s like a role model to my brother and is one of the biggest influences in my life. But right now he’s annoyed me and I hate the job which he has and how demanding which it is at times. I knew Mary could tell that I’m annoyed as she had decided to stay a little quiet on the journey back to the studio and just concentrate on all the different people who she’s met today.

“Taylor? Is your dad always on the phone?” Mary asked and I knew she was going to ask this as it wasn’t like her to simply brush anything off as normal. It is unlike most men in the family to constantly be attached to their phones- or at least I hoped that was the case anyway.

“Well he’s got a very busy job and our lunch was a little longer than his lunch break is normally, so I think he didn’t mean to be on the phone so much but that’s the life of his job” I explained trying to make it easy for her to understand.

“Is Grant going to be on his phone this evening? When we go for ice-cream?” Mary asked

“I don’t know honey, I don’t think he will though” I said helping her to climb out the car and walked back into the studio together. Having my own room and recording booth makes is much easier when I really need to record something, though the few times where it’s just more convenient to book another booth then I do. I’d booked another booth this morning but this afternoon as I’d made the decision to come back in now only a couple of days again I was going to be using my own recording room and booth which was designed exactly how I liked it.

The new album was going to be different to my other albums, I’d done several collaborations with different artists for this album and I’d written with lots of people as well. I’d formed a friendship with Ed after I’d fallen in love with his album when I was over in the UK earlier this year. Of course when I’d heard how talented he really was I knew that I wanted that on my album so we’d collaborated on a song which we’d titled Everything Has Changed. He’d happened to be to be over in America for a couple of days and I’d invited him to Nashville so we’d booked to record the song today and get it on the album. Most of the band has already met him or heard about my collaboration with him on the single but it would be another big step for Mary because this was someone larger than just my band who she would meet.

“Mary, how would you feel if I told you that I had a friend who was coming in today to meet with me and record a song before we go shopping? I asked Mary as I didn’t want her to feel worried about meeting Ed. He was the biggest kid I’ve ever met, I mean he still plays with Lego and he’s shown me a couple of models that he’d made. I’d been interested to see how much of an addict he was to Lego and he gladly proved it.

“Is he nice? Friendly?” Mary asked as she sat on the couch which was in the back of the room.

“Well he’s a friend of mine and I’ll tell you a secret…He likes Lego” I whisper the last little bit in her ear for only her to hear.

“Well you’ll be here right?” Mary asked and I knew that she would always feel more comfortable if I am around or at least till she’s been with me for a little longer and is more accustomed to my friends and my lifestyle.

“Yes, I’m not going anywhere and I know that Grant along with a few others will be here too as they want to come and meet Ed. Though they also have to help me with a few more songs that I’ve written and I want to record” I explained

“Ok… Then can we go shoe shopping for the dinner we have to go to?” Mary asked and I nodded.

“What dinner?” Grant asked walking back into the room with Caitlin almost like he had been listening in at the door. Liz hadn’t come back after lunch as she was only here to help me this morning on a specific song which I’d written. She wasn’t in the band any more as she’d wanted to go and pursue her own career but she still helped out from time to time. She would always have a place here if she ever wanted to come back and I would always support her through everything she does as it’s what friends do.

“We’re going to a Nashville Songwriters Dinner which I’ve been invited too and well Mary is coming with me considering that there will be people more her age there. It’s a dinner for youth and I’m the ambassador which is why I’m going” I explained hoping it made sense.

Mary POV

I looked up from reading one of my new books to see a man with bright orange hair come through the door. I’ve never seen anyone with hair as distinctly orange as that man had on his head It’s got to have been dyed as there is no way that’s natural I thought looking over as Taylor embraced the orange haired man The guy looks the same age as Taylor, how could he still love Lego? I though glancing round the room to try and work out how everyone else was reacting to him. There were mixed reactions, Caitlin was really warm towards Ed and she looked like she was happy to see but then Grant looked a little envious of Ed though I don’t know why. I mean Taylor’s told me that grant is one of her best friends and she loves to spend time with him otherwise why would we be going out for Ice cream with him? Everything with boys and feelings is so confusing.

“Mary, this is my friend Ed, Ed this is my foster daughter Mary” Taylor introduced. Ed bent down to place a kiss on my cheek before shaking my hand. Why do men place kisses on girl’s cheeks? Is because they are trying to show the girls that they like them? Ed looks about 20 and I’m way too young for him I that is the case.

“It’s nice to meet you” I say shyly before both Taylor and Ed smile at me and Taylor continues to introduce Ed round the room. I’ve never seen someone who Taylor was so nice about be so nervous around others.

Going from house to house and family to family has had its benefits considering it’s helped me to read people and understand what they are feeling. I am able to tell just by the body poster and from watching Ed and the way he was acting I could tell that he was slightly nervous. That was identified without even hearing the way he was interacting with others, I couldn’t hear what he was saying but I didn’t really care anyway. However I did see an interesting change with Grant as Taylor introduced Ed to him, he seemed to stiffen up and I could guess that he was jealous of Ed but I don’t know why. Taylor and Grant have a really close relationship as he was the first one which I’d been introduced to when we arrived this morning and as far as I could tell he was the only one who had been really excited about meeting me. It made no sense as to why Grant would be jealous as it wasn’t like Taylor liked Ed, or maybe she did? I don’t know a long about all this relationship stuff to worry about it but something is going on with Grant and from the way I’m reading him I don’t think that it will be a good something. I only hope it doesn’t interfere with us going out for ice-cream later as I really wanted to do that and I wanted to go and try to find a favourite flavour.

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