Lunch with the Family

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Chapter 5

Taylor POV

By the time we pulled up outside the little café, I knew that mom and dad would already be inside with Austin not too far away. I loved times where we all got together whether at home or out because I love my family and I love all the things we do together. I would have liked to have them round to my place to meet Mary but I knew she would probably hide in her bedroom there as it’s what she does when she’s nervous. These people were my family and they were going to be hers too so it was important that she knows them and feels comfortable around them. Austin has this weird/ childish sense of humour and that would be funny to Mary so hopefully she’ll be comfortable with him if no one else.

I parked the car and waited as Mary got out the car as I want to make sure she’s alright as I know she’s nervous.

“Remember, you get scared then just breathe. I’ll be right by you the whole time” I squeeze her hand as we walked inside. She gets nervous around new people but this wasn’t even a big family gathering- it would be a lot larger at Thanksgiving or Christmas.

“Mom!” I call as we walk into the café and I spot where mom and dad were sitting.

“Taylor and this must me Mary?” Mom said as she moved to greet Mary but she tried to hide behind me. I could tell mom said that this girl was scared of her but my fans love my mom.

“Mary, this is my mom Andrea and my dad Scott” I say as I try to coax her round from behind me to sit down at the table. She tries to hesitate but I coax her round by signalling to the chair.

“How old are you Mary?” Mom asks as we sit down and I poured her a glass of water. I knew mom wanted to form a bond with Mary as she was over the moon about having a grandchild to spoil. She hoped like me that everything with Mary would work out and that I would have a daughter and she would have a granddaughter to love.

“I’m 13” Mary said and Mom looked over to me as she knew that 13 had a special meaning to me as it was my lucky number. Dad had gone outside to wait for Austin so that he could find where we were as he wasn’t too good at finding places.

“Do you like living with Taylor?” Mom asked which made me nervous to hear what response Mary gave because I really hoped that it was yes and she didn’t want to leave but I couldn’t be sure. Mary nodded and I knew that it was all good and that I had done a good job as she’d been living me for a week.

When Austin arrived he took his position at the head of the table but it was weird to have a head of the table as there is usually only 4 of us and we don’t place anyone at the head. Though now there was 5 it as needed to have a head of the table and Austin had taken the place after Mary had wanted to sit by me on the side.

“Taylor, I’m Hungry” Mary said once everyone was sitting and I knew that it’s time to order as she wasn’t the only one who was hungry, my stomach was grumbling too.

“Alright, how about we order? Do you know what you want?” I asked knowing that Mary would probably have looked at the menu by now or at least I hoped she had.

“Can I have the…Chicken Schnitzel please?” She asked but by the tone of her voice I could tell that she thought I was going to tell her no.

“Of course you can, Mom, Dad do you know what you guys want?” I asked and mom nodded whilst dad shook his head. I knew that Austin hadn’t looked at the menu yet which is why I didn’t bother to ask him

“You go order for you and Mary then we’ll order when your father and Austin have decided what they want. You’re the one who has to go back to the studio afterwards” Mom remarked and whilst I felt bad for ordering before them I knew that she was right. I had to go back to the Studio then take Mary shopping for shoes to go with the dress which she would wear to this formal even which we had coming up soon. Then we would meet Grant for ice-cream after that.

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