Woodland Creatures and a Video

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Chapter 15 

Mary POV

Something about Taylor was different when she picked me up from Andrea & Scott’s, she seemed happier than I’ve ever seen her before. I mean I’m glad she’s so happy but it just seems that something major must have happened between the time I left for school this morning and when she picked me up just now. I would need to question her tomorrow as I was simply too tired now to worry about it all. All I wanted to do was to go home, write in my journal about today and then climb into bed. School was entertaining and I actually felt like it was somewhere that I belonged and that I wanted to do my best at. However with all the work that I do at school comes even more homework which is due either tomorrow or the day after. Thankfully Andrea was able to help me get everything done and I actually understood some of the things which I hadn’t grasped in class.

“Did you have a good day?” Taylor asked as we pulled into the driveway.

“Yes, the school is very big but I like it” I say and it was the truth. I’d really enjoyed the day and whilst there were people at school who I could see that we weren’t going to see eye to eye. I knew that there would be others who I could get along nicely with and I would make lots of friends with time.

I did make a few friends today though it was mainly just with the girls who had been paired with me to help me settle in. Mariah was my first friend as she was the first person who I had met, she was also in my geography class so she could help me round the school. Stella was the girl who I was placed next to in English, she seemed more interested in the fact I had a body guard and that my mother was Taylor Swift rather than me but it’ll come in time (I might even invite her to one of the shows when Taylor goes on tour next). Although Taylor wasn’t my real mother I told people that she was as I wasn’t going to tell everyone that I was adopted on my first day. Whilst all the other students went back yesterday I started today as Brentwood had a policy that they started the new students a day later. This allowed them to be partnered with another couple of students who wouldn’t be distracted with their own issues of settling back into school.

“You didn’t get too much hassle being new?” Taylor asked as I knew that she had worried about how I would fit in.

“Well there were a few people who I don’t think I’ll get along with as they whisper about me when I walk past. But I’ve made a few friends today so I’m happy” I said which was a partial lie. I mean there had been a couple of people who came up to me simply to talk about Taylor or the fact that I have a body guard who follows me around and he’s a guy. Whilst I know that Charles is only doing his job by protecting me and that he isn’t as close as he would have to be if I went to a different school, I still wish he would go away at times. I’d met Charles for the first time a couple of days back as he was one of Taylor’s old ones who’d moved on but jumped at the chance to be my body guard – I don’t know why. At the end of the day I prefer to have made new friends then have spent the whole day worrying about what everyone else is thinking about me or the thing’s that the girls were whispering when I walked past.

“If they hate you then it’s their loss. I’m glad you’ve made some friends though” Taylor smiled

“Me too. I’m tired so I’m going to go to bed but thanks for picking me up” I say hugging Taylor and moving upstairs.

Taylor looked just as bright the following morning as she did when she picked me up last night. She was even singing and humming along to a turn whilst she prepared my lunch for me as I ate breakfast. I didn’t want to make her pay for me to get lunch at the cafeteria every day when I was perfectly capable of bringing a lunch from home. I would choose Taylor’s baking for lunch any day over the food from the cafeteria even if it does look nice.

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