Becoming A Family

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Chapter 33

Mary POV

I felt like I was going to pass out because this was a huge decision and I’m not sure that I can make it. I mean she’s asking me to give up everything that I’ve come to know and love in the time I’ve been here to go and live with her and I hardly knew her- never mind the fact that she’s my mom. She’s been gone for my whole life and then she only comes back into my life to stop me from being adopted but claims that she’s been searching for me. I don’t really know if I should believe her or trust her. She wants me to move back to Colorado with her so that we can be the perfect little family which she’s always wanted us to be. I’ve dreamt of this moment a million times and what my mom would be like but I never once dreamt that it would go this way, I mean I knew that my mom would probably ask me to go back home with her but I never thought that I wouldn’t want to go. I was happy with Taylor, I felt comfortable here and I felt like I was home. I seriously don’t know if I would feel if I turned my back on all of that and go with my mom.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn’t even realise that Taylor and Grant sit down next to me on the bench, Caroline had clearly gone to get them as I’d become secluded from her. I really hope that I didn’t offend her because I didn’t mean to become so secluded I just have a lot to think about.

“Earth to Mary! What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” Taylor said which made me laugh as she quoted one of her songs.

“That’s my mom” I looked up at Taylor.

“Sure is, you’ve finally found each other. She looks a lot like that photo which you have on your desk back home” Taylor placed her arm round my shoulder.

“She wants me to go back to Colorado with her, be the perfect little family which we’ve both dreamed about. I don’t know what to do” I look down again as I knew hearing that I might be leaving was painful for both Taylor and Grant.

“Isn’t that what you wanted though? To live with your mom and make up for the time which you missed? We can’t tell you what to decide but go with what your heart says you should do” Taylor comforts me but I kind of wished that she didn’t as it made the decision so much harder. I didn’t know what my heart was telling me which is why I couldn’t decide what to do.

“No matter what your decision is, we’ll support you 100% and remember we’re always going to be here for you” Grant added which made me tear up. Both Taylor and Grant have done so much for me and without them I wasn’t really sure where I would be now.

“I’ve got a question, my mom said that she only found me as she was called about a girl who matched the description of her daughter who was being adopted so she had to come and see if it was her daughter which happened to be me. So were you guys going to adopt me?” I asked as Taylor looked over to Grant as if she was hiding something. I wasn’t sure that asking was such a good idea because if Taylor was hiding something I didn’t know if it was something good or bad.

“Well it was supposed to be a surprise when all the paperwork was done but I suppose I have to tell you now considering it slowed down thanks to your mom and everything. However your mom is right and I want to adopt you, I started to file the paperwork a few weeks ago after talking with Sandra and she checked in with you to see how things were going and if you were settling in. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, I love you more than anything in this world and I would love to be a mom to a child who’s a special to me as you are. Though I will never be the reason that you feel like you can’t go with your mom and live the life with her that you’ve always dreamed about" Taylor took a deep breath.

"Going with your mom is right and although I will always love you and be a little sad to see you go, but I know that if you choose to go with her that you’re going to the life you’ve dreamed off…I won’t stop you from doing something which is so right only to stay with me which in these circumstances may be the wrong thing to do” Taylor explained and I had to hug her as I could see the tears forming in her eyes. I didn’t want her to be upset because I never wanted to see her cry. Somehow her talk with me had made things fall into place and I knew exactly what I needed to do, I knew what my heart was telling me.

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