Loopholes And Visions

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Joy winced as Kelp's words sank in. They felt like a stab to the chest, although her mind wasn't sure why. Her heart understood perfectly though. She wasn't supposed to be with Kelp in the first place. The universe was simply confirming what she already knew. And yet...it still hurt. It hurt more than anything. Breathing was becoming more difficult by the second.

"Wait what?" Nightflyer said in disbelief. "That...that can't be right!" His thoughts swam. The visions. All those visions....would never happen? But that couldn't be! If the more visions you had on a subject, the more likely it was to occur, then there should be no possible chance of Kelp not ending up with- 

"I have to go." Joy said abruptly. Without another word, she fled from the room,leaving Kelp looking even more crestfallen than before.

"There's got to be a way around this." Moon insisted. She couldn't believe it either. Kelp and Joy....not happening? Was that even an option? 

"You're right," Qibli agreed. "Surely there's a loophole or something." 

"We could check, but I doubt we'll find anything." Seashell offered. "Coral gave me a copy of the agreement once, to help me 'remember my place' as she put it." 

"Well, then let's check!" Air exclaimed. 

"Guys, you don't have to do this." Kelp insisted.

 "Uh, yes we do." Nightflyer said matter-factly. Moon nodded in agreement. 

"The future refuses to let you die alone Kelp, there's gotta be a reason why." she declared.

A few minutes later, the group was staring at the agreement so hard it looked as if they were trying to mentally set it on fire. Air had gone off to find Joy and make sure she was alright while the others searched for a loophole.

 "Kelp is not allowed to marry a Seawing or to further taint another Seawing bloodline with dragonets." the paper read. For the next ten minutes, each of them stared at the line and wracked their brains. 

"Oh my gosh, we are all idiots." Qibli suddenly proclaimed, smacking himself in the forehead. 

"Why?" Moon asked. 

"It says that Kelp is not allowed to marry a Seawing." Qibli explained. The others stared blankly. "It doesn't say he can'r marry someone from another tribe." 

"Oh my moons," Nightflyer groaned. He hit his head against the wall. "We are idiots." A chorus of Ohs went up as each of them realized it. Kelp lit up like a Christmas tree and bolted down the hallway. 

"We've gotta tell Joy!" he yelled.

Air found her in the corner of the music cave, her head in her talons. 

"Joy?" she asked cautiously, stepping closer. 

"Go away Air." the hybrid replied softly. Instead, Air sat down next to her. 

"Are you alright?" she questioned. 

"No," Joy admitted, her voice breaking. Her talons dropped and Air noticed the redness of her friends eyes. She'd been crying. 

"Hey," Air said gently. "It's alright. The others are looking for a loophole right now. They're bound to find something." Joy smirked.

 "And even if they do? What happens when my family says no? What happens when Coral finds out and wants revenge? Just because we find a loophole for this problem doesn't stop even more issues from forming." 

"Well, you'll cross those bridges when you get to them. You shouldn't worry about potential problems now." Air suggested.

 "I just...I want someone to tell me it's right." Joy explained. "I want someone to tell me that it'll work, that all of this is worth it. I feel like it is, but I just want someone to confirm it." The sound of footsteps stopped Air from responding. 

Nightflyer entered the room with a grin.

 "I knew you'd be in here. The others didn't believe me, so they're still searching all over the place." he announced. Then he noticed their solemn faces. "Joy? Are you alright?" 

"I think I'll go round up the others," Air offered, leaving the room. There was a pause before Nightflyer spoke. 

"I heard that last part of your conversation." he admitted. "It is worth it." he promised. 

"And how would you know?" Joy questioned. Nightflyer sighed. 

"Because I can see the future." he began. "I've seen it, Joy. I've seen you and Kelp together. I see it in nearly every vision I have with you or him in it." Joy's head shot up.

 "What have you seen? " she demanded. 

"You know, the usual stuff," Nightflyer insisted. "Your wedding, your son, your lives together in the rainforest-" 

"Son?" Joy interrupted. "I have a son?" Nightflyer grinned. 

"Oh yeah. He has sisters too, but moons does that boy act a lot like you." She smiled, her eyes shining with fresh tears. 

"I want to hear more about him." Joy declared. "I want to hear everything."  

"If you insist." Nightflyer said with a grin. "He's one of the only dragonets I ever get visions about, besides the two weird ones." 

"The weird ones?" Joy questioned, standing up and walking out of the cave with him. 

"Yea. I keep having these visions about an odd-looking Skywing and a Nightwing. They're dragonets, and they're usually running as if they're afraid." He explained. 

"What makes them so odd?"

"Well, the little Nightwing one, she's adorable, but she has brown eyes. And the Skywing's scales almost look smoky. Like there's black and amber in them. It's weird. I keep dreaming of them but I have no idea who they are." he elaborated. Joy smiled mischievously and barked a laugh. "What?" Nightflyer demanded. 

"Oh, I know who they are." Joy said bemusedly.

 "Who?" He urged. She didn't respond, just kept grinning. 

Let me think, she thought in her head. A NightWing and a Skywing, one of them with brown eyes, have two dragonets. Hmm, I wonder who their parents could be. 

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