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The next morning...

Clay walked calmly down the hallway. It was still early, but some of the students were up and about already. Clay was on his way to the infirmary, figuring he'd check on Kelp before the day really began. He froze in the doorway. There, calmly sleeping on one of the reed mats, was Kelp. But he wasn't alone. The Seawing had his arm slung over another figure. This someone was curled up alongside Kelp, also fast asleep. It took Clay a moment before he recognized the dragonet. It was Joy.

Air was hoping for a nice, uneventful day when she woke up. She was not hoping, instead, to watch as her dad came bolting down the hallway yelling at the top of his lungs. 

"TSUNAMI!!!" Clay yelled, most likely waking up the entire school. Nearly all of the returning students had the same thought. Great, what cave blew up this time? Sunny ducked out of a cave. 

"What code is it?" she demanded as Clay ran by. "IT BETTER NOT BE ANOTHER CODE 23!" 

"It's a-" Clay stopped. "WE DON'T HAVE A CODE FOR THIS! WHERE'S TSUNAMI!?!"

A few minutes later, Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, and Sunny were standing in the doorway of the infirmary, staring at Joy and Kelp.  Tsunami looked positively murderous as the other teachers whispered frantically.

 "What do we do?" Starflight hissed. 

"I don't know, I just found them like this!" Clay whispered loudly.

 "Guys, you don't think..."Sunny trailed off, eyeing the sleeping dragonets. 

"Absolutely not!" Tsunami exclaimed. "Sunny, how can you even think that?" 

"I'm just trying to examine all the angles here." she retorted. 

"Well don't examine those angles!" Tsunami retorted, her voice growing louder. 

"They're talking about us." Kelp whispered into Joy's ear.

 "I know," she breathed back.

 "Maybe we should get up and set some things straight," he suggested. 

"True, but then I won't be this close to you." she noted. 

"And that's a problem?" he questioned. 

"Oh yes. You really are a very comfortable dragon to be near. And here I thought you were lying that one time you said Seawings were squishy." Kelp attempted not to laugh, but ended up smothering the sound by pressing his snout into Joy's back, making her stifle a giggle and causing her sales to go pink. 

"Wait a second," Sunny began, noticing the sudden change in Joy's scales. She turned to the dragonets. "Are you awake?!" 

"Maybe?" Kelp said sheepishly. 

"Oh good." Tsunami commented. "Now I can properly kill you both." 

"Run!" Joy yelled, and they jumped off the reed mat and shoved past the teachers, sprinting down the hall. 

"GET BACK HERE!" Tsunami yelled after them.

A/N: Sorry this part was short! FYI, I am considering changing the name of this story since it doesn't really fit anymore...Seeing as this is a lot more parts that "Just a little" and it's more about Joy, Rainkeeper, and their friends then Glorybringer. Thoughts? And, if I do decide to change the title, I am considering holding a little contest here for the name of the new title. The winner will get full credit for the name, of course and their favorite part of the story dedicated to them, if they'd like! Let me know what you think! :)

Just a little Glorybringer for yaWhere stories live. Discover now