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Clay stared out at the sky from JMA and sighed. He was worried - no, he was terrified. Air was just a dragonet. What if she got hurt....or worse? And if she didn't come back, what was he supposed to tell Peril? This, not knowing if Air was okay or was hell.

"I'm sure they're fine," a voice behind him said. Clay turned slightly to see Sunny standing behind him. "Qibli said they'd be back as soon as possible." 

"But he never specified what condition they'd be coming back in, now did he?" Clay retorted. 

"I could dreamvisit them again if you want me too, give you some peace of mind." she offered. 

"Could you?" he asked. "That'd be great." Sunny nodded in agreement. 

"I don't really know what it is," Clay began. "But, I've a feeling that something really bad is happening, but we just don't know it." 

"SUNNY!" Qibli yelled as soon as the Sandwing stepped into his dreams. "HELP!" So, clearly Clay was not going to have peace of mind any time soon.

 "What happened?" Sunny asked nervously. 

"Everything went to hell." Qibli replied. "We were in Possibility, but then Air saw Peril and we chased after her and she's under a spell and working with Scarlet and then they went back to the Sky Kingdom and Scarlet has retaken her throne, but some dragon she's working with found us and now we......we're trapped in a cell in the Sky Kingdom." Sunny stared at him for a moment and eloquently shut her eyes. 

"Qibli," she began. "You mean to tell me that I now have to explain to Clay, AND Glory why their dragonets are locked up in Scarlet's clutches?" 

".....And Tsunami and Starflight. Plus the fact that we have Winter here too, but yes." Qibli added. 

"AW COME ON!!" Sunny yelled. "I JUST WANT TWO DAYS WITHOUT A DISASTER, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK!?!? Fine," she went on, calming down. "We'll find a way to help you. Make sure nothing else happens, okay?" Qibli nodded in agreement, and then Sunny was gone. 

"So, are they okay?" Clay's voice asked as soon as Sunny set down the dreamvisitor. She looked at him as one thought went through her head. Damn it Qibli, now somebody's gonna die.

Qibli awoke soon after and glanced around the cell. It was reasonably sized, but small when you had nine dragonets squashed inside. There was a small window, pointless to even attempt to escape from, but not bad for sleeping near. Winter had claimed that spot, insisting that it was the coldest place in the cell. There was a hard rock ledge and some chains in the room; both were occupied. 

Joy, upon being recognized as a rainwing, had been chained up and had a large metal band around her snout, preventing her from saying anything. But, chains and all, Joy still managed to look more sarcastic and enraged that anyone else in the room. Rainkeeper, Kelp, and Air were close seconds for the enraged title though. Kelp was furious because Joy was chained up, and Air was pissed off because Scarlet had her mother and there was still no sign of what had happened to Squelch. Rainkeeper was vowing to give Scarlet a matching venom wound when they got out. Qibli found it ironic that they had locked up Joy when Rainkeeper was the one with the venom. Seashell and Moon shared the rock ledge, no matter how uncomfortable it was. Joy was curled up on the floor, Rainkeeper and Kelp protectively on either side of her. Qibli could only laugh when he saw how Air and Nightflyer were sleeping because he knew how brutally his friend would die, should Clay ever see them like this. Nightflyer was leaning against the wall, with Air leaning into him. Her head rested on his shoulder and his head was propped up on hers. He had one wing wrapped protectively around the hybrid and their talons and tails were entwined. It didn't look very comfortable, but Joy and Moon both agreed that Air looked a thousand times more peaceful sleeping like that than she had at JMA.

Later in the day, footsteps were heard coming towards their cell. No one had come to see them at all, unless they were delivering the small bits of food and water they were allowed. The dragonets jumped to their feet, wary about this unexpected visitor. It was a Skywing, one clad in treasure from head to foot. They recognized him- he was the one who had found them in the first place. Now he stood in front of their cell and pointed a ring covered finger at Air. 

"You," he said coldly. "You're coming with me." 

"No she's not. We stick together." Nightflyer said immediately. He wasn't about to let one of them go missing, especially not Air.

 "Too bad Nightwing." he spat. "Unless you wanna die, you're gonna let the Skywing come with me." Nightflyer let out a growl and Qibli's tail lashed angrily. Although she couldn't speak, Joy's message was clearly getting across. She was repeatedly swiping her talon across her neck, clearly saying you will die. Air took a deep breath and squeezed Nightflyer's talon before walking towards the cell door. The treasure coated Skywing unlocked the door, grabbed Air, and quickly re-locked it before turning and pulling Air down the hallway with him. Nightflyer grabbed the bar of the cell door, watching her go. Air twisted slightly as she walked, staring at him with fear in her beautiful brown eyes.

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