A Sunrise To Remember

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A/N: Kinkajou: Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise Sunset. Swiftly flow the yeeeeears!!! Me: SHUT UP KINKAJOU!

Shortly before dawn hit the forest, Air sneaked out of the small hut she and Clay were staying in and glanced out at the sleeping forest. Even with her poor night vision, she could see a dark dragon touch down on a platform and look around. With a grin, Air flew up to the platform and landed softly next to Nightflyer. 

"You came." he commented, a smile forming on his face. 

"Of course I came." she added, smiling at him. "What exactly are we doing?" A smirk played at the corners of his mouth as he sat down on the platform.

 "Waiting," he explained, motioning for her to sit down. She obliged, leaning up against him in their now familiar way. One of the things that made Nightflyer feel so...right, was that they fit perfectly together. It was as if she was carved to sit right under his wing forever.

 "You know," Nightflyer began as dawn started to approach. "I think I have finally figured you out. Or, at least, some of you." 

"Is that so?" Air questioned. "And what exactly have you figured out?"

 "Your name is Air." he began. "You are by far the most beautiful dragon in the world, inside and out. You are an incredible artist, and very protective of those closest to you. You have a big heart and are willing to let dragons in, but also fear they will break you. You are confident and smart, but the big thing about you, Air, is what you fear. You're so afraid that you will protect everyone so much, that no one will be left to protect you. You know that your family will do anything for you, but you also know that there will come a time in your life when you have to grow up and leave for family behind. You're afraid of falling and having no one to catch you. But you shouldn't be. And you wanna know why?" Air leaned closer to him, amazed at how much he had figured out in such a short time. 

"Why?" she breathed. 

"Because, you have me. I don't really know what the future holds between us, whether we'll stay close or grow apart, but no matter what happens. If you fall, I'll catch you. I decided that the very first day we met and I'll still believe it when I'm a hundred and seventeen."

There was a pause as his words sank in. 

"Why?" Air asked suddenly. "Why me? You are an amazing dragon, Nightflyer, and you could have any dragon in the world on their knees and yet, you choose to stay around some sheltered, ugly looking hybrid with overprotective parents? It doesn't make sense." 

"Honestly, it's your eyes. That's how it started. Then it grew with your personality and your smile and your warmth and just....how it feels when you sit next to me and the rush I get whenever you walk into the room. The list goes on. We could stay here for eternity and I would never finish. You've stolen my heart, Air, and I don't ever want it back." They stared at each other, lost in the silver and brown of each other's eyes, until a light broke the stare. The sun was rising. 

The light hit the dew-covered trees just right and everything began to sparkle and glow. Air let out a gasp, and Nightflyer grinned. There truly was nothing like this in the whole world. The colors of the sky spread to the forest, illuminating everything in its light. Air wanted to save this sight forever, but any picture would dull in comparison. It was breath-taking. 

After the sun had completely risen, Air glanced over at Nightflyer. 

"We should be heading back," he said with a sigh. "Everyone will be waking up soon." 

"You know," Air began. "I think I've figured something out about you too." 

"Oh?" Nightflyer said in surprise. "And what's that?" 

"That you," she continued. "Are every bit as perfect as that sunrise just was."

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