Fire and Pain

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Moments before the explosion...

Nightflyer walked into the history cave. But before he could warn anyone to leave, Tamarin grabbed him by the arm and inhaled deeply. 

"Tamarin? What is it?" he asked. The blind dragon didn't respond. Instead, she gasped and rushed over to a scroll rack, pushing Nightflyer behind it before diving in herself. As soon as they hit the ground, the cave exploded.


The blast of the explosion threw everyone off their feet and onto the ground. The majority of the blast that erupted out of the cave was blocked by Air. She dove to the ground and spread her wings wide to shield Moon and Joy. Multiple dragons screamed and Umber and Sora ran off searching for Clay, for help. Smoke filled the air, as did the smell of fire. Air gasped as she remembered the dragons that were still in the cave- if they were even still alive. Air stumbled to her feet as everyone regained their senses. 

"Air no!" Joy yelled as Air bolted into the cave. She didn't even feel the flames licking at her scales. She just searched for anyone, anyone there was a chance at saving. She spotted a dragon-shaped lump on the ground and grabbed it, pulling a hopefully unconscious dragon out of the cave. 

In the hallway, Clay and Sunny froze dead in their tracks at the sound of a loud BOOM. 

"What was that?" Sunny asked anxiously. Before Clay could respond, two dragonets came barreling down the hallway, coated in ash. 

"Clay!" one of them yelled. He recognized it as Umber and rushed towards his brother. 

"What happened?" Clay demanded. Sora was in a panic, and Umber could barely speak the words. 

"The History cave exploded. There were dragons inside and more near the door." he said in a rush. Sunny gasped as Clay ran towards the cave. Somewhere in his mind, one thought registered. Air had history now. That thought only made him run faster. 

In the end, four dragonets- Carnelian, Bigtail, Nightflyer, and Tamarin- were pulled from the flames before Winter put out the fire. 

And out of the four, only Nightflyer and Tamarin survived. 

"Tamarin," Joy said worriedly. She crouched by the unconscious Rainwing. "Tamarin, please wake up. We both know what Kinkajou will do if you're not okay." A nervous laugh escaped from her. Kelp knelt beside her and looked up at Clay.

 "The lake," he said suddenly. "If we put her in the lake, it'll help her burns, won't it?" Clay nodded. 

"That's a good idea. Is everyone else okay?" Clay asked. The other dragonets nodded. He turned to Air, who was sitting by Nightflyer, the only dragon to walk out of the cave without any serious injury. He was still a bit burned up though. Tamarin had unknowingly shielded him from most of the explosion. "Air," Clay began. He nodded at Nightflyer. "Can you take him back to the infirmary and patch up the burns?" She nodded. "Good," he continued. "And someone go find Tsunami, Starflight and Fatespeaker and let them know what happened." The dragonets nodded. 


"Thank you," Nightflyer said. Air turned to look at him. They were alone in the infirmary, or at least until Seashell came back from delivering sleeping darts. Or until Starflight and Fatespeaker heard what had happened. 

"For what?" Air asked.

 "For saving my life. I would've burned to death if you hadn't pulled me out." Air glanced down at the salve bottle in her talons as she sat down next to him. 

"You don't have to thank me," 

"I know," he replied, smiling at her. "But I want to." She smiled, looking down at the bottle. She poured a bit of the liquid from it on a bandage. 

"This is going to sting a bit," she warned him. He shrugged.

 "Can't hurt more than the reason you're putting it on." She gave him a look and pressed the bandage on to the burn on his scales. Nightflyer let out a yelp and jumped away as Air laughed. 

"I warned you!" she reminded him, still grinning. He nodded. 

"That is the last time I won't take a warning seriously." he declared, smiling back at her. 

"GUYS!" Joy yelled, running into the infirmary. "You busy?" 

"Yes," Nightflyer muttered, quiet enough that Joy wouldn't hear. But Air did. She shook her head at Joy as she smothered her laugh. 

"Good. Then come quick!" 

"What happened?" Air asked, composing herself. 

"Winter is threatening Moon because he thinks that she set the fire." Joy explained. They stared at her. 

"Is he really that dumb?" Air questioned. Now it was Nightflyer's turn to smother a laugh. 

"I don't know, probably. But he's demanding how Moon knew the explosion was going to happen." Joy went on. Nightflyer's face fell. He knew how Moon had known, but no one was ever supposed to find out about that. But if they found out the truth about Moon, then what would stop them from finding the truth out about him? 

By the time Nightflyer, Air, and Joy got there, they knew half of it. Turtle, Kelp, Seashell, and Qibli were standing around her in shock. 

"What is it?" Air asked when they arrived. 

"She has visions of the future," Kelp said in disbelief. Joy and Air gasped, but Nightflyer didn't react. He was the only one who tried to make eye contact with her, but she didn't look up. 

"Who else knows you can do this?" Qibli questioned. "Can all Nightwings see the future?" 

"No one knows," Moon replied softly. She looked up and met Nightflyer's eyes. A flash of confusion went through hers as she spotted the terror he felt at Qibli's other question. Could it be? she wondered. "And," she continued. "as far as I know, no one else in the tribe can do this." 

"Is that it?" Turtle asked. "Or is there anything else we should know?" There was a pause as it registered in each dragon's head. 

"Can you read our minds?" 

Moon looked down and bit her lip. She knew what would happen if she lied. Tears began to brew in her eyes. 

"Yes," she admitted. "I can. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I can't help it. It just happens; it's always happening. I can't turn it off. Please, please don't tell anyone." she begged. 

"You know everything." Joy said quietly. "You know all of our secrets, don't you. Don't you?" her voice became angry. Moon shook her head frantically. 

"No! Please, I really don't! I only know what you've thought, I can't dig through your heads or anything! I promise!" she cried. The thought that ran through most of their heads made her want to die. 

But how can we trust your word when you've been lying to us all this time? How can we trust anything you say?

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