Another Year At JMA

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A/N: Skipping ahead cause I don't know what to write.....

The summer flew by and before anyone knew it, it was time to go back to school. 

For returning students, they looked forward to seeing their friends again, but for new students, they feared being away for so long. Among the new students was Auklet, Squelch, Firefly, and a Sandwing named Coal. Coal had been found out as a spy and had run to Queen Thorn for safety. Thorn had sent him to school while she had dragons searching the Scorpion Den for Coal's brothers. But Coal already knew they wouldn't be found. His brothers had made a deal with another gang, one that Thorn was very familiar with. The thought of his brothers getting the infamous skull tattoos on their scales made him want to shiver. There was no going back to the Scorpion den now. Not when his brothers had someone that powerful on their side. 

A large group of friends met up on a ledge near the entrance. Air, Seashell, Kelp, Joy, Nightflyer, Moon, Qibli, and Winter were excited to see each other again. Or...most of them were. Winter wasn't exactly a 'jump for joy' kind of dragon.  The friends also greeted Squelch and Firefly, remembering the dragonets from their adventures last year.

 The friends were just hoping for this year to pass much more smoothly than last year. They figured that wasn't too much to ask. 

Well, turns out, it was. 

Squelch stepped nervously into his sleeping cave. He was excited to be at school with Air and his dad, but he didn't like the fact that his mother was all alone. She had promised to visit lots, but still. Squelch didn't want her to get lonely. There was only one other dragon in the cave, a Sandwing about Squelch's age. He had short scars running down his neck and healing scratches along his sides that were bound to leave more scars. Squelch frowned, wondering what had happened to the dragonet.

 "Hi," he said, announcing himself. The Sandwing glanced up from the welcome scroll and smiled.

 "Hello." he said briefly, his voice tense. 

"I'm Squelch." he offered, holding out a talon. 

"Coal." the Sandwing replied, shaking his talon. 

"What winglet are you in?" Squelch asked, hoping it was the same as his. 

"Citrine, I think." Coal said nervously, frowning at the welcome scroll. 

"That's the same as me!" Squelch said with a grin. Coal looked relieved. 

"Good," he commented. 

Okay, Squelch thought to himself. Maybe he just doesn't talk much. But this is a start, right? 

"Hey," Nightflyer asked as he walked Firefly down the hall. "What winglet are you in?" 

"The Citrine Winglet," Firefly recited. "I'm with Air's brother and the youngest Seawing princess, and a few others that I don't know anything about yet." 

"That outa be fun," Nightflyer said with a smile. "I assume I don't have to tell you where the library is?" Firefly let out a snort. 

"Are you kidding? I've already given Father a list of all the scrolls I want to read." 

"And how many scrolls are on it?" 

"At least half the library."

"Well, don't be afraid to make some friends too," he suggested, knowing that Firefly didn't have any back home. 

"Of course I'll make friends Nightflyer. I have hundreds of them. They just happen to live on paper." she said distantly, dreaming about the scrolls already. Nightflyer shook his head. She really was her father's daughter.

"Alright," Sunny said anxiously. "Here we go again." 

"Did everyone remember to pray for no more explosions, attempted murders, school-wide chaos, disasters, or secret plots with our old enemies?" Tsunami questioned. 

"Shoot, I forgot about attempted murders." Clay admitted. Starflight facetaloned. 

"She was joking Clay." he explained. 

"No I wasn't." Tsunami retorted. 

"I didn't think you were, and yes, we remembered." Sunny offered.

 "Who knows," Starflight began. "Maybe this year will be calm, and our biggest problem will be six dragonets all wanting to check out the same scroll." 

Oh, how wrong they were. 

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