ok get up and help me

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       "Wow we really made mess." Lance said as he and Pidge look at the disaster they made in the kitchen. "How did this happen?" Pidge asks herself knowing full well what happened. "How about we clean this up before the others come." "Yeah. Definitely."

        Lance grabs a cleaning rag and starts wiping of the green gunk of the counters as Pidge unplugs what's left of the microwave that just blow up in their faces. "Why did we think it was a good idea to put space goo in a microwave." Pidge mutter while she picks the scrap of metal laying around.

        "Well to quote what you said it was 'in the name of science' because the goo was always so cold when we ate it" Lance said as he made air quotations at Pidge. "Well why did you go along with my idea! and not all of my ideas are good ideas!" " most your ideas are good! And also I wanted to know what would happen. But it was you who put the goo in the microwave."

        Pidge sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "Allura and Shiro are gonna kill us." "More like ground you for two months." The two trouble makes whip their heads to the to see Shiro and Allura glaring at them. "What happened here?!"

         " what cooking be a believable answer?" Lance asked "No. No it wouldn't." "Yeah I figured." " yeah me too." "Go to you-" "get it" Lance said walking out of the kitchen with Pidge following short after.

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