Chapter 29.(Waking from a dark slumber)

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Chapter 29.

I was sweating.

I could feel it dampening my clothes.

I was disturbed from the hot, sticky feeling touching my now clammy skin.

I don't remember much, just that I saw her face and then bam, asleep, and here I am now.

I could feel something on my wrist, almost in my wrist, and the feeling was driving me insane.

It hurt to move, I don't remember exactly how I got here, except hitting my head, then the face she gave me.

How did I hit my head?

I must have hit it hard, considering I am in the hospital.

But that surely didn't explain why my whole freaking body ached.

I think I was starting to wake.

The noises around me were more clear, and I started to feel things that touched me, like the robe (i predict I am wearing) guessing because of the cold draft I feel on my legs.

And that something that is touching my wrists, and I can feel something in my nose, and something around my head, and that crazy beeping noise, that is gonna make me scream.

I'm seriously getting even worse of a head ache just because of the damn thing, or maybe it's because I hit my head off of something?

Either way, my head is killing me.

I tried wiggling my arms, a tingling sensation struck through my arms, but they didn't move.

I tried my fingers.

They twitched!

I felt them!

I moved.

I really moved.

I tried harder, clenching them, and wiggling them until I could really move them.

Not much, just a few centimeters before I stopped, but I felt in control, and it was a way better feeling than laying here emotionless and controlled by something or someone else.

"She-she moved" I heard someone gasp.


It was Michael, whispering softly to me.

"Cassidy, are you- are you awake?" he whispered.

I tried nodding but it was too hard.

"Mikey, just stop" someone sighed.

"N-no, I know what I felt" he hissed.

"Cassidy please, show me your awake, tell me your ok" he whispered, clutching my hand in his own.

I tried with all my might, squeezing his hand as hard as I could.

It literally took almost all the energy I had in me to do it, but it was worth it.

"She squeezed my hand!" he shouted.

There was shuffling and voices talking loud and fast back and forth.

I pried my eyes open, squinting at the brightness.

I saw Ashton first, his eyes teary, no one knew I was awake.

They didn't even realize, they were too exited about my hand moving, which could have just been a twitch from my body.

It's common.

"Ashton" I whispered, my voice failing to be strong, it was tiny, frail, and soft.

His eyes snapped up, looking around, almost as if he thought he was imagining it before he caught my squinted eyes and jumped to me.

I groaned loudly, as he toppled onto me, hugging the life out of me as he repeatedly thanked god or whatever, and stroked my hair, telling me how much he loved me.

Did he love me?

He must, because I don't think the wet tears sliding down my neck were fake, and they weren't coming from me.

Aww Ashton crying ☺️

How are you guys today.

Sorry it's short like always.

Thanks for the votes and reading guys.

I love your comments too haha <3 love you all.

Thanks for the support even though my books suck hahaha.






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