Chapter 71.(Just Curious)

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PLS WATCH THE TRAILER FOR LETTERS. (It sucks cause I made it. But check it out. Give it a like or a thumbs down ;) I made someone give it a thumbs down bc I suck but yeah watch it and add the story to your library ? It'll be out soon)

My YouTube is harmony Rooney if it isn't playing here :(

Chapter 70. (Previously in Adopted By 5SOS)

"We need to get a paranormal control person thing" Michael sighed. [OMG SHOULD SAM & DEAN BE FT IN THIS STORY HAHAHA BUT FOR REAL SHOULD THEY??!?]

"How about we get out of here for a few days, yeah lets go pack" ashton decided, being the first to stand and grab Michael and Calum [I WAS GONNA SAY MICHAEL AND CLIFFORD WTFF HAH] and walking out of the closet to go pack.

Luke carried me to his room first, laying me on the bed, giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead, whispering soothing words before packing a whole bunch of random things into a suit case.

He finished, picking me up and carrying me bridal style into my room. He placed me on my bed and started packing for me, throwing clothes & essentials to last me a few days.

So that's what we did, we packed the car, locked the house and left to a hotel for a couple of days.


Chapter 71.

I was currently laying in bed in a small hotel room, starring blankly at the plan ceiling. I couldn't sleep and I was bored all alone. Well alone besides Luke who was wrapped up in a big duvet, snoring on a small cot.

I kind of felt bad that he made me take over the bed, the cot looked too small for comfort and lumpy.

I sighed, sitting up and looking towards the clock in the tiny "kitchen". '6:00AM'.

I stood up, covering my mouth as I yawned. I quietly made a cup of tea for myself, dumping some cream and sugar into the steaming cup.

"What are you doing up so early?" Luke asked, unexpectedly popping up by my ear making me gasp and splash my tea on the counter.

"Luke!" I hissed, sending him a glare in which he returned with a grin.

"It's not funny" I shoved his shoulder, it made him swing but his feet were planted to the ground so he didn't move.

"Let's go back to sleep" he yawned, his eyes squinting shut and his pointed nose tilting up.

I nodded, shutting off the tiny light before walking to the big bed in the centre of the room.

I watched him walk to the cot, about to lay down.

"Luke" I whispered.

"What" he whispered back, rubbing his eyes in a tired way.

"Come into this bed with me, I don't mind and its big enough" I said, lifting the large blanket up to my chin.

He was about to say are you sure, but instead got up and joined me.

I kept my distance from him, making sure none of my body was touching him, we laid in complete silence.

It was kind kind of boring an annoying, so I just moved a bit closer, then a bit more until I was laying right up next to him, resting me head on his chest.

I took a sip of my tea, still bored as he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

I let my mind wander, random things popping up in my mind.

15 minutes later it was completely silent, my tea was gone and Luke still wasn't completely asleep.

"Luke?" I asked, whispering.

"Yeah" he responded, still keeping his eyes closed.

I bit my lip, trying to form a sentence.

How ... what

I shrugged my shoulders to myself.

"Why did you adopt me?" I said nonchalantly.

His eyes suddenly popped open, he sat up, but I stayed laying down, just on his lap now.

"What" he asked.

I didn't respond, still waiting for him to answer.

"Why the hell would you ask that?" He turned so I was forced to look at him.

"I don't know, I just want to know"

"Like... There were so many good, normal, pretty girls there. I was one of the most messed up girls with the most problems and you adopted me..why?" I shrugged.

"Stop it" he practically shouted.

"Stop putting yourself down Cassidy. You're perfect, literally. We wanted you, you were the best girl there in our eyes, we wanted you so we got you. You aren't any different, you just went through some shîtty things and you're still re-covering. Don't degrade your self, ever"

I just pushed myself further into him, not responding to his big speech.

"Go to sleep kid" he chuckled to me, making me roll my eyes.



Here is a small apology chapter for being away for so long with shîtty exams sorry babes. I'll be updating regularly again. And will probably post again tonight or sometime soon :) with a bigger chapter.

I'm Hoodie Allen ASF. 😹

Thanks for reading :*.

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