Playboy Ninja

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    Everyone knew that Genji Shimada was a playboy, he never dated anyone for longer than a month. He had the ability to get any woman or man that he pleased! Everyone in Hanamura knew this fact. So if that was so... Why was someone so powerful, so young and handsome in the small ramen shop you worked at!? You hadn't been a chef for long but you had never expected someone like the Shimadas to come here. Your boss nudges you to go take his order and you nod politely going over and bowing to him "H-Hello sir, thank you for coming. What can I make for you?" He smiles kindly and sweetly "You're quite beautiful. There is no need to stutter." 

    He hums "May I have the number 8?" You nod with a soft blush on your cheeks and quickly turn to make his food for him. The chicken broth had been made only a few minutes ago so it was still very hot. You carefully spoon the broth into the bowl and went to get the flavoring for a number 8. Little did you know that you had grabbed the number 6 instead. You hum softly as you listen to the buzz of people talking around you, most were about how this place must have good food if a Shimada were to come here and the rest was about what his family does, murder that is. You finish getting the noodles into the bowl and bring it over to the Shimada with a bow "Here you go, sir." he happily takes his chop sticks and frowns softly "This is number 6.." you turn quickly fear to rise in you as you confirmed what you said "I-I'm so sorry! I'll remake it again for you free of charge." 

    He laughed softly as if you had told a funny joke. You could only wait and stare confused as he finishes his laughter "no need, everyone makes mistakes, though if you really wish to make it up to me come to the arcade tomorrow after your shift?" You smile softly and nod. "I do owe you after all." he smiles widely "Great! I'll see you then!" he got up to leave getting to the door before coming back making you giggle "I'm assuming you'd still like the number 8?" He nods sheepishly with a soft blush on his cheeks "Oh also, when do you get off work?" You hum softly "I get off at 6 tomorrow." He nods happily and you went back to making ramen. You shake your head of your thoughts, this wasn't a date, it was only to have someone to keep him company... Right? 

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