Chapter 4

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                 *Lyla's P.O.V.*

Did I just give Patrick Kane my number?

Oh, his blue eyes. Snap out of it, Lyla. He probably does this to any girl out there. The way he smiled made me feel special for about the five seconds i had with him before he brought up my mother.

"Lyla, Marissa will be here any second!" Chloe rushes around panicking.

"Chloe, calm down. We've got everything set up, it'll be just fine." I say, trying to sooth her.

Just then, I felt strong hands enclose around my wrists. Daniel.

"Hey." I smile, turning around.

"You okay?" Daniel asks.

"Yeah. It's just that five seconds into Patrick's and I's conversation..... he brought up my mom." I look down.

"Liles," Daniel flips my wrists upright, exposing the thin white scars. "No. You will not do this again. Kane didn't know. What did you say?" Daniel asked.

"I told him the truth." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

He pulls me in, sending shivers up my spine.

"My little lion, stay strong." He whispers, softly stroking my hair.

He smells good, and i inhale deeply.

"I won't ever be that stupid again." I point out.

"You weren't stupid. You just couldn't see things right." He says, releasing me.

"Guys! Marissa's here! Okay, everyone, places!" Chloe hid behind a large table.

Daniel and I walked in front of the door, getting ready.

Marissa walked in, and everyone yelled:


I started throwing confetti all over her, and Daniel gave her a huge hug. She was beautiful today, her long curly blonde hair streaked with teal. She looked like a mermaid.

"Happy Birthday, Marissa!" I handed her a small, wrapped box.

"Thanks, Lyles! Wow guys, this is amazing!" Marissa says, still surveying and taking in the scene.

Just then, my phone gave off a bling.

PatrickKane: Hey

I stared at my phone wide eyed. He was literally next door, texting me.

Me: Hello

PatrickKane: I'm boreeeed. Would you come and deliver your book to me so I could read it? You guys are loud and having fun.

I laughed at his childishness.

Me: Um, okay. I don't want to intrude on your dinner with the team though.

PatrickKane: Not a problem! Just a warning that half of them are drunk.

Me: Um, okay. I'll probably stay at the door. I'm not much of a party girl.

I took the book and carefully smoothed it out. I'm lending Patrick Kane a book of love poems?

This doesn't seem weird at all.... (note sarcasm)

I walked next door, and Patrick is already opening the door.

"Hey." He grins devilishly.

"Oh, Hi." I play with my fingers, not sure of what to do.

"The book?" Patrick asked.

"Right." I handed it over. "You can give it back when you leave. Is it really that boring in there?" I peek inside the room.

"Nah, it's alright, but I'm not drinking tonight." Patrick shrugged.

That's really nice. I dont like a guy that drinks all the time.

"So, tell me, why does Daniel call you little lion?" Patrick asks casually, putting his hands in his pockets.

I smiled at the memory. "Im a small person, but i run fast and play soccer. So i guess it also matches my name, Lyla."

"It does." Patrick nods, "Lyla's pretty."

I blush. Does he mean I'm pretty? Or the name?

I guess he saw the confusion there too.

"Oh, i mean Lyla's a pretty name." It was Patrick's turn to blush, "But you're also really pretty too."

I smiled, and i felt my heart go weak. Oh, beautiful blue eyes. That heart stopping grin, and his blushed cheeks.

I actually feel a little crazy.

It's been a long time since I've had....this feeling.

"Thank you," i say, looking down.

"Do you have a Kane jersey?" Patrick asks me.

"Um, yeah." I blushed. I feel like I've been caught in the act of doing something i shouldn't be doing.

"Cool." Patrick puts his hands in his pockets.

"I have to go," i start turning away, when he grabbed my wrists.

I gasp, and yank my wrist out of his hands.

My scars.

He can't see that.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

I half ran back to the party, leaving a confused, shell shocked Patrick Kane standing there.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now