Chapter 15

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                 *Lyla's P.O.V.*

I wake up on a strong shoulder.

Oops. I fell asleep on Patrick.

I jolted up.

This was the first time since that night that I've had no nightmares.

Beside me, Pat snores softly.

Why is it always when i sleep with Patrick that I don't ever have bad dreams?

That sense of being safe is always here when I'm with Patrick. It's not the same for Daniel.

Just then, keys scrape the door.

Jonathan Toews walks in with a girl.....probably Alex. Patrick has told me about their engagement. Wow. The media is still a bit clueless.

The lights snap on, and i blink to clear the sudden blindness.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know anyone was here." The girl whispers guiltily.

"It's okay." I smile.

"You must be Lyla. I'm Jonathan." He looks at me carefully.

"I know." I blurt.

"Well i mean i know who you are because i watch hockey......not because of anything else. Okay now im just babbling." I blush, embarrassed by my response.

Man, 'meeting' my favourite hockey players did NOT go like this in my head.

"I'm Alex." The girl smiles, showing off her perfectly straight pearly whites. "Is he drunk?" She points to Pat passed out on the couch.

"No. He's just sleeping." I shrug, moving off the couch.

"You guys now?" Jonathan raises his eyebrows.

"Oh no. We just spent today together, i was actually just going to leave." I start gathering my things.

"Don't be silly! Patrick's been talking about you. Stay for the night!" Alex grins at me.

"Um, okay." I feel like I'm intruding in their personal space by just being here.

"Huh? Wha? What's going on? Oh hey Jonny, Alex." Patrick mumbles in his sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes.

"Sleepy head." I grin. He's just so cute.

"Lyla." He makes my name sound so sweet.

"Pat." I mock his sleepy voice.

"What did you guys do all day?" Alex asks casually.

"We bought Lyla a dress for the Gala, then went for food. We came back here and just.....talked. I guess we fell asleep." Patrick smiles, the right corner of his lips tilted higher. Cheeky smirk.

"Lets see the dress!" Alex immediately moves towards the bag.

"Oooh, it's so pretty! Try it on!" She pushes the bag at me.

"Uh...." i stare at her blankly. This is so awkward.

"Come on, I'll put on mine! Lets go!" She enthusiastically took my arm, and lead me to what I'm guessing was her room.

"Have fun!" Patrick calls after me, laughing.

"Oh, i have an idea! You should come here before the Gala, and we can get ready together!" She claps.

I smile. Alex is so happy. Sometimes i wish i was that perfect beautiful girl with no scars. But then again, i don't know what Alex's past is, and for all I know, this could be her happy place.

"Sure." I say shyly.

"Lyla, stop being so shy! We're all nice people here." Alex slides open her closet, leafing through her clothes.

"This is the dress I'm thinking about wearing....." she pulls out a black slim dress, with quarter sleeves.

"Try it on." I say.

She nods, and goes to the bathroom. A second later, she comes back out.

I grin.

That dress makes her look bold.

"It's stunning." I say honestly.

"Really? Because i don't know if Jonny will like this." She bites her bottom lip.

"I'm pretty sure he'll like anything you wear." I wink, making her blush.

"Now, you try on yours." Alex excitedly swings the bag.

I walk into the bathroom, and slip on the smooth, silky material. It's cold on my skin, and my thin scar covered wrists are exposed.

I walk out slowly, embarrassed.

"Woah, Lyla! Holy freaking crap that looks cute!" Alex steers me towards her full body length mirror, and two girls stare back at us.

One girl, a black tight dress with her hair falling loose. Alex's short frame looked taller with the short dress.

And then there was me. Long hair braided down my back. Tall and fragile looking in the pink flowy dress. The dress stopped at my knees, my legs looking miles long.

"We look so different." I say.

"Yeah," she agrees, "you look so sweet, and i look.....kind of bad ass." She giggles.

I widen my eyes, and we lose it. I'm clutching my stomach, and she's laughing uncontrollably, our laughter floating out to the hallway.

I slide down to the floor, breathless.

"Oh, god, Alex. Bad ass?" I shake my head, smiling.

"I don't even know, man." She plops on her bed, closing her eyes.

Knock. Knock.

"Come on in." Alex says from the bed.

"What's so funny?" Andrew Shaw skips in.

"Andrew Shaw....." i stutter.

"Who's this?" Andrew asks me.

"Lyla." I say. Wow. When did he get here?

"Well, hello Lyla! What are you guys laughing about?" He asks happily.

Man, he's hyper. But its contagious, and i grin.

"Apparently, Alex is bad ass." I get up from the floor, and sit on the carpet next to the bed.

Andrew plops down beside me, smiling.

"Bad ass? That dress sure says so. Are you wearing that to the Gala?" He asks Alex.

"Yep!" She points to me, "Lyla is wearing that pretty dress!"

"You're coming?" He asks me, "Who's your date?"

I blush at the word 'date'.

"Uh, I'm going with Patrick. It's not really a date, right?" I look down.

"That's a really pretty dress." Was all he said.

"Thank you. Patrick and I chose it together."

Andrew and Alex exchange a glance, and giggle.

"What?" I ask, even though i know exactly what they're thinking.

They think Patrick likes me.

They think i like Patrick.

Does he?

Do I?

I really don't know.

A/N: Ahh, girl bonding with the always helpful Alex! Alex definetly became so much happier, being with Jonathan.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now