Chapter 42

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                  *Lyla's P.O.V.*

I get into the taxi, exhausted. Patrick told me he rented us a place to stay.

I don't know about this at all. I'm not wasting any time though, I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow.

"Are you tired, lion?" Daniel touches my leg.

I pull my leg away — he's not allowed to do that.

"Daniel, you know it's different now. You can't touch me like that." I say quietly.

He clears his throat and mumbles something like "right."

I nod, and move an inch farther away from him.

"Whadya wanna eat?" Daniel says casually.

For some reason, the joking light tone in his voice makes me feel better.

"Ice cream." I close my eyes smiling.

Daniel laughs, "Of course, ice cream"

I shrug, and i really hope i can regain my sight. I don't even know how people can live like this.

"We're here." Daniel opens the car door, but i know to stay right where i am.

Daniel opens my car side, and takes my arm. I let him lead me to the lobby of the hotel, and i sit on the couches waiting for him to unload our luggage.

"Hello, miss." A women's voice with a touch of an Irish accent speaks to me. She sounds happy.

"Hi." I smile looking in her direction.

"Would you like to check in?" She says.

"Um, maybe later. I'm waiting for my friend." My cheeks start to grow red.

She doesn't know I'm blind.

"Alright. Would you like to complete our customer survey?" I picture her holding out a clipboard.

"I can't." I look down, and smoothen out the imaginary wrinkles on my jeans.

"It will only take you a minute, i promise." She says assuring and brightly.

"I.....i really can't. Because...I'm blind." I say bluntly.

"Oh..." she sounds very guilty and embarrassed, and i feel bad.

"It's okay." I shrug.

"I'm very sorry, miss." She whispers.

"It's okay." I say again.

"I would like to check in." Daniel speaks and i know by his voice that the girl is hot. He's breathless.

"Sure." She sounds happy again, so it's given she's noticed Daniel's strong arms, messy hair and green eyes...

He does the paper work and gets us our room cards.

"Lets go." He sounds giddy.

"Describe her." I smile.

"Beautiful." He says, "smells nice." He breathes in.

Oh my gosh.

I chuckle, and try to punch his arm. I end up missing, and he laughs.

"Woah." Daniel opens up the room, "This place is niiiice." He stretches out the last word, sounding lazy.

"Patrick must've put a lot of thought into this." I smile subconsciously, and run my fingers along the sheets of the bed.

"It's very soft," i say, "what colour is it?" I ask.

"Red. Dark red, kind of maroon, and the sheets are white." Daniel says.

I smile. It could be a coincidence, and i can't see anyways, but Patrick knows my favourite colour is red.

"I'm very tired." I say. "I'm going to call Pat and then sleep." I smile at the thought of hearing his voice.

I get ready, brush my teeth, and by the time I'm finished, I'm exhausted.

"Lyla." Strong arms hold my shoulders from behind.

"Yes, Daniel?" I turn around to face him.

"Don't wear that around me." He says.

I'm wearing my sleepwear. Sweat shorts and a tank.

"It's fine." I turn away, my cheeks hot. "I'm going to call Pat now." I turn to where the bed is.

I don't have the cane with me, so i trip over to the bed, my arms outstretched. I slip under the covers, phone in my hand.

It rings.

"Hello?" His voice answers quickly, but something is wrong.

"Patrick, are you sick?" I ask worried.

"Nah, it's nothing." He sounds like he's smiling, and that's what i picture him to be doing. "I miss you sweet Lyles." He says.

I snuggle into the pillow, and close my eyes. "I'll be back before you know it. Pat, don't stress yourself. Are you sick, babe?" I ask again.

He chuckles softly, and my heart quickens at the sound.

"I'll be fine, just a little. Are you seeing the doctor tomorrow?" He changes the subject.

"Rest, Patrick. Don't stay up too late, and don't go to the upcoming game." I fuss a little, but i like it. He laughs, and i know he likes it too.

"Alright. So about the doctor?" He asks me.

"Yeah. I'm going tomorrow with Daniel." I sigh, stretching my legs out, and wrap the blankets around me.

"Make sure he takes care of you. And call me to tell me what the doctor says." It's his turn to fuss now, and i smile.

"I know, Pat. Daniel always takes good care of me." I yawn, the soft blankets absorbing my exhausted body.

"Sleep, sweet Lyles." He murmurs.

"You sleep." I say.

"I wish i was with you." He suddenly says.

"I know. You're so beautiful, Patrick. Never forget that." I picture his develish grin in my head, and his big blue eyes. I picture his long eyebrows that swoop down, and even his playoff mullet from last season.

I start to fall asleep to Patrick's soft mumbling, and i eventually do. But i hear one thing before i fall asleep:

"I love you Lyla, goodnight."

A/N: Oh my, the cuties Lyla and Pat are far far away from each other. It breaks my heart because of what sweet Lyles is going through. And dayuum Daniel's got the hots for Irish girls ;)

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now