Chapter 35

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                *Lyla's P.O.V.*

I've been bullied, sexually assaulted, and have attempted to kill myself.

I've been through hell and back.

But this past week?


I can't explain it, and no one will ever know what I'm going through. Yes, i know, a lot of people are blind. But BECOMING blind is a whole other story. I'm starting to forget how beautiful everything is, how beautiful the world is.

Alex, Chaunette, and even Andrew come visit me. Seldom do the rest of the team though. The one person that hasn't visited me yet, was Daniel.

"You can tell when to stop by hearing." The nice old lady instructs, clearing the thoughts out of my mind.

"Mhmm." My mind wanders off again.As soon as I'm done this class, Patrick will make his daily visit.

"Lyla sweetie, are you even listening?" I picture her crossing her arms.

Meredith was blind too. She's been blind since birth, and she's sixty-two years old now. Meredith was trying to teach me how to pour a cup of water without letting the water overflow.

"Sorry." I say apologetically.

"Thinking about that friend of yours?" I feel her sit down on the chair next to me.

"Yes." I smile.

"He's a very handsome young man." She says.

"He is." I agree.

"Just remember. Everything isn't as bad as it seems. You have family, friends, and you still have your life. That crash could've easily ended your life, honey." Meredith pats my arm softly.

"I'm glad i met you, Meredith. Sometimes i wonder if i would've been better off dead. No surgeries, no doctors, no tears." I sigh, shaking my head.

"I'm glad i met you too Lyla, you're a very sweet girl. And never think that way! What about your handsome young friend? What would he do without you?" Her question hangs in the air, and i think about it.

"He would go on with his life. He would find another girl, marry her, and forget all about me." I say quietly.

"That's where you're wrong. He would never forget about you. If you died, he will get married, but he will not forget. I may not see the way he looks at you, but i hear the way he speaks to you. He's got that note of care in his voice." Meredith's voice travels farther, and i hear her feet shuffling.

"You're leaving so soon?" I ask her.

"Your friend will be here soon, Lyla. See you tomorrow."

"Bye." I say, but Meredith has already left the room.

My first few sessions with Meredith, i was completely mute. I wouldn't say anything, i wouldn't respond to her talking, and sometimes i wouldn't even listen to her. She didn't lose her patience with me, and after a few weeks, i started to learn.

Walking was easier, and i kid you not when i say i broke my big toe walking into one of the hospital beds.

I grab my crutches leaning on the wall, and hop my way over to my bed.

"Careful." Patrick's voice fills the room.

"You're here!" I drop my crutches, and they clatter to the floor.

"Of course i am." I picture him bending down to pick them up.

"Meredith taught me how to pour myself a glass of water today. Watch." I inch over to where i know the counter is, and grab the pitcher. I take my cup, and place my hand over the top of the opening, measuring the distance. I pour the water from the pitcher into the cup, and listen for that hollow sound Meredith talked about.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now