Chapter 33

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               *Lyla's P.O.V.*

Whatever that women injected in me was effective. I didn't wake up until the middle of the night.

What. The. Heck.

Everything was just so dark,were there absolutely no lights in this hospital room?

"Hello? Can someone turn on the lights?" My voice rings out and bounces back, the room doesn't seem to be as big as i imagined it being.

Light streamed into my eyes, but i couldn't see anything.

"Lyla, how're you feeling?" Sam's voice was rough.

"Good. I can't see you. Can you come closer?" I ask him.

"Lyla, there's something...we want to tell you." I recognize Laura's voice.

"Can you wait until i can see you again? I think this is because of my headache. Don't worry guys, i will get better, then we'll be out of the hospital in no time. Right?" My voice sounds high and abnormal.

"Sweetie? I want you to stay calm. In a moment Dr.Genae will come talk to you." I recognize my father's voice.

Sam, Laura, and Dad. Who else is here?

"Is Patrick here?" i turn my head around hopefully, but all i see are these bright spots.

"No." It was another voice this time, that women's. Dr.Genae.

"Hi Lyla." She spoke again, and i could almost picture her. Just by her voice, I pictured her tall, thin, and a bun piled at the top of her head. Her voice was smooth, and it's right in front of my bed.

"Hi. Dr. Genae?" I ask.

"Yes. Remember when i told you that your head wounds are on it's way to healing? And your ribs are just bruised?" She asks.

"Yes, i remember. You told me all of this yesterday. My head still hurts." I lift my hand up to my head, and find it bandaged.

"When will you fix my eyes?" I ask, "is it because of my headache? My vision seems...blurred." i reach out, and i feel her walk towards me. Dr.Genae's hands are bony and thin, and she holds my hands.

"Good Lyla, you remember. There is no damage in your memory cells. Honey, i want you to listen to me very carefully, okay?" Her voice becomes hushed, and i picture her laugh lines weary.

"Okay." I nod, smiling. Maybe she'll tell me Patrick's here to see me. And that I'll be out of the hospital once she fixes my eyes. She did say my head was completely fixed, right?

"Your head wounds are completely healed. But some nerves are damaged for good. I'm sorry sweetie, it's the nerves that control your eyesight. I'm very, truly sorry Lyla, but... you wont be able to see again." I snatch my hands back from her, and my lips part to give up a small whimper.

"Wh-wh-what?" I stutter, "That's impossible? You mean I'm blind?" I laugh, but i feel tears streaming out of my eyes that i picture now are just empty eye sockets.

"No, you're not completely blind. Your eyes look exactly the same, they're still beautiful. You're not blind, because you can still see lights, am i right?" Her voice is getting more irritating as she talks.

"Yes, i can still see light. But that's it, light or dark. I can't see your faces. I can't see? No, this isn't..... i cant see. I can't see. I'm blind. I'm blind. No. I'm fine i can see. You'll fix it, right?" I desperately reach out to find the doctors hands again, but only find myself grasping the empty air with my fists.

"Lyla, I've seen many many people go blind in my life. The very first thing that happens is denial. You need to accept the fact that you will no longer be able to see, and that you'll have to adapt to it." Dr.Genae's voice sounds robotic, and i hate it. I HATE IT.

You need to accept the fact that you'll no longer be able to see. Her words ring in my head, and I hold my head with my hands.

I scream. I let out an ear piercing scream, and cry.

"How the hell am i supposed to accept that?" I whisper, eyes squeezing out tears.

"I know, i know. I've seen a lot of people go through this, and it'll be okay, i promise." The doctor pats my shoulder, although her voice doesn't seem understanding at all -- just robotic.

"I will never be able to do anything! I can't see the people i love, i can't paint, i can't write, how do i even WALK?"

Suddenly i couldn't do things that normal people would be able to do. Suddenly, I couldn't do things that I normally would do.

"You can do those things if you just work hard. Don't tell me that blind people can't walk or read or write. They can do it just as well as any person that has proper vision." She says.

"But it's different! They've been blind their whole life. Me? I've done everything in my life the way a person with normal vision would do. How am i supposed to do anything?" My voice cracks, sounding hysterical.

"Lyla. Shhhh, baby." My dad's voice speaks this time.

"Daddy?" I sob into his shoulder, as he strokes my hair.

"Shhh Shh, everything will be alright." His voice was soothing, and i soon found my eyes closed.

"I want to see Patrick." I whisper, "Why hasn't he come?" I ask.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Lyles." Dad had a hint of warning in his voice, and i pushed him away.

"Dad. Please, just please let me see him. I need him." I plead.

"It's not up to me. I'm sorry to say this Lyla.... but Patrick hasn't come to see you."

Dad's words hit me like a truck. I fell back onto my bed, my heart breaking into a million pieces.

"No," i whisper, "He would never. I saw him dad, i saw him the first night i was here. He was here. I'm sure of it. Dad, let him come." My voice is hushed, and i hear my dad's footsteps walking farther and farther away.

Did I just picture Patrick here? No, I'm positive i saw him here. But then again, i can't see, so I'm just lying to myself.

"I'm sorry Lyla. I saw him here that first night too. But he hasn't come since then. Forget about him. Forget all about Patrick Kane, and focus on being happy."

He hasn't come since then. What? Why? I just always thought Dad was keeping me from him.

"You can't tell me to be happy, if you tell me to forget the one thing that makes me happy." I speak truthfully, but dad doesn't even listen. I hear the door click shut a moment later, and I'm left alone in the hospital room.

A/N: *cries* Oh, Lyla. Oh, Patrick. Come see her, babe.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now