Chapter 37

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                 *Lyla's P.O.V.*

I sit on my bed, because there's really nothing I can do.

I'm so bored.

I hear the door swing open, and I jump to my feet, banging my toe on the foot of the bed.

"Ah, shit." I rub my toe.

"You okay?"

It was not Patrick's voice. Nor my Dad or Sam's.

"Daniel." I hold out my arms, and he hugs me tight.

"I'm so sorry, Lion. I would've come right away. Nobody told me about this." He whispers into my ears, and i immediately forgive him. I don't care if he's been a jerk lately, I miss him.

"I haven't seen you in forever. How've you been?" I pull back.

"Good." I picture Daniel's hair disheveled and his cheeks pink from running. Only his voice doesn't sound 'good'.

"You really can't see me?" Daniel whispers.

I sigh, shaking my head.

"I can't." I cross my arms over my chest hugging myself.

"How did this even happen? You're too good, Lyles. You don't deserve this." He speaks closer, and i know hes siting next to me on the bed. The added weight tells me that.

"No one deserves what I'm going through. It's hell, Dan." I can't describe the feeling.

"I can't paint. I cant write. I don't even know how big this room is, what colour this blanket is. I picture it light pink. Is it?" My voice sounds fake even to my own ears.

"It's blue." Daniel whispers, the pain audible.

I smile, letting out a soft laugh.

"Hmm, i guess i really am ruined. I'll never be the same again." I swing my feet back and forth.

"Maybe you can." He says.

"What?" I ask confused. That's a rather odd thing to say.

"There's a doctor up in Ireland right?"

Oh my god. Patrick.

"Nono, no there isn't." I laugh lightly.

"There isn't?" He sounds confused.

"Nope. Nothing. Nada. Rien." I bable off.

"We've been friends for twelve years. I think i know when you're lying. And let me tell you, you're a bad liar." Daniel says.

I sigh, rubbing my hands together.

"I um don't want to go." I say.

"You don't want to get better?" He asks in disbelief.

"I want to. But how the hell am i supposed to go to a whole other country blind? I can't see i fucking thing." I'm annoyed now. I know it's Patrick.

"But we have to go." Daniel insists.

That didn't sound right.

"We?" I raise my eyebrows.

Daniel sighs, resting his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes, we. I haven't been being a good best friend lately, have I? Let me take you there. You won't be alone, you'll have me." I can picture his green eyes shining.

Maybe two months ago, I'd be happy. But as selfish as this sounds... all i want right now is Patrick. I don't care about Dublin, all i want is to be next to Pat.

"Where's Patrick?" I turn my head around even though i cant see.

"Lyla, come on. You know he's going to make you go." Daniel sighs as if he knows exactly how Patrick's mind works.

"No! How many times do i have to say no? I don't want to go away." I sound like a child, but I'm so upset. I cannot bear to think about a long year of surgeries away from Patrick. Away from everyone i love.

"Lyla, you're being stupid. You need to get better, Kane knows that." Daniel doesn't seem to be liking my words.

I hate how he calls Patrick just 'Kane'. I just hate everything right now.

"I want to see him." I cross my arms.

Daniel shuffles around, and i hear the door open. A different set of feet walk towards me, and i know it's Patrick.


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