Chapter 6

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                  *Lyla's P.O.V.*

My heart thumped in my chest. I was seeing him again.

I got off the bus, and I walked towards the lobby. It's so dark tonight.

I looked around, but couldn't find him. Did i get the wrong place?

"Hey," Patrick's voice was raspy. He cleared his throat, "hey." He said again.

"Hi." A smile crept upon my face.

"Sorry," he says, handing the book over, "I had to bring Corey home."

"Yeah. He seemed pretty drunk." I shrugged, taking the book.

We both stood in silence, not knowing what to day.

I start to turn away, leaving.

"I'll see you later." Patrick says after me.

"Later?" I questioned.

"Oh. Maybe you wanttokindacometodinnerwithme? I don't know you don't have to, it's kinda like a gala for hockey players this Sunday." Patrick blushed, looking down.

My heart stopped. Did he just ask me out?

"Just as friends." Patrick says, seeing my shocked face.

That answers it. Just as friends. Plus, i get to meet a million other hockey players!

"Okay." I smile, feeling my cheeks grow hot.

"Great. I will uh, text you." Patrick hurries off, probably embarrassed that I got the wrong impression.

What? I really thought he was asking me out.

I walk out of the lobby, skipping my steps. Patrick Kane. I can still see his blue eyes and wide grin in the back of my mind.

I walked out into the dark, when i realized how silent and creepy it was. I sit on the bench of the bus stop, silently praying for the bus to arrive.

"Hey there, girly." A middle-aged man suddenly appeared beside me.

I stood up, and walked away from the bench. He was drunk. I could see his glistening eyes in the dark, and the sharp stink of alcohol and sweat. Let's just say the two didn't mix well.

"Where ya goin? I just want to talk to you." The man slurred his words, stumbling blindly towards me.

"Stop." I held my arms up, defending myself.

The man didn't hesitate, one bit, and dove right at me, groping my butt.

What the fuck is happening.

I push him aside, and run. I run back towards the building.

"Help. Somebody help me." My screams echoed throughout the silent night.

I run into an alley behind the building, and crouch low. I think i out ran him.

Just then, somebody tackles me from behind. I let out a scream, but I'm silenced my a large, beefy hand hitting me across my face.

I kick as hard as i can, feeling the man grunt in pain.

Please, please, please let me get away.

I crawl to the side, the dark masking the streets. My arms are scraped, my knees bruised.

I hear the man grunt again, and I feel  a sharp pain in the back of my skull. Then, hot blood trickled down my neck. He threw something at me. I sway slightly, then fall to the ground.

My vision blurs, but quickly returns. He threw a BRICK at me. He's on top of me now, straddling me. I feel something hard against my core, and I gasp.

"Please, no. Please." I whisper, as the man undid his belt.

"Please." I said, over and over again.

My hands reached up to hit him, but he just held me down. He's probably double my weight.

"Help!" I scream, my voice sounding weak.

My screams were cut off, as the man began forcefully kissing me. His tongue licked my face, as I moved my head from side to side, struggling.

"Stay still." He slurs, lifting up my shirt.

His cold hands traveled all over my body, undoing my bra.

I gave off a gutteral cry, as he violently unzipped my pants.


I screamed, causing another harsh blow to my head.

My vision blurred, but this time it didn't clear.

No. I couldn't black out at a time like this. Fight, Lyla, fight.

His hand traveled lower and lower, until i couldn't squeeze my legs any tighter. I threw my legs apart, causing me to cry in pain. I felt hot tears, mixing with the blood from my head.

I felt dizzy, just as i felt something at my core.

"Please, no."

Just as my vision went blank, the man's weight was thrown off of me.

Finding, and Losing Love- Patrick Kane fanficWhere stories live. Discover now