Chapter 19

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(Consistent update schedule? Don't know her. Who's she?)

Alexander's POV

I was happy I had more confidence walking into the court room. We had solid evidence. Nothing could stop us at all. I walked in and met eye contact with Aaron. He winked at me like the sick bastard he is. Disgust filled my emotions. My eyes rolled as I sat down next to Washington. He held my hand softly and rubbed my back.

"There's no way they can beat us. Everything's going to be fine. After we're done, we can celebrate." Washington told me. George probably had different alternatives of celebrate, but mine was more... extreme. Whatever it is, we'll have fun. Maybe a little party with my friends.

After awhile of talking and drawing random doodles in my school notebook with George, it began. Though it was almost guaranteed we'd win, we don't know what Aaron's dumbass lawyer going to throw out. Aaron was called up to the stand. Oh geez, what's he going to come up with.

"I remember the night me and Hamilton had incourse. He had all these cuts, bruises and scars all over his back and stomach. I am terribly worried that he might be getting abused by Washington." Aaron sadly half-assed. My body filled with anger. What the fucking hell?! How come nobody was fucking done with his shit yet?!

I stood up and pointed a finger at him. "Don't you dare bring Washington into this!" I threatened him. We were barely 35 minutes into this court case and I'm getting emotional. All eyes were on me. I felt a tug on my shirt. Washington was mentioning me to sit down. I sighed and sat down with him. This time and held my hand to calm me down.

James Reynold's case lasted around 45 minutes, which mostly was a bunch of bullshit. Finally James Monroe could state his case. His case was just the video. It had to work. Confidence roared inside me like an angry lion waiting to attack. He stood up and started talking.

James knew how sensitive I was about the video. So he tapped his foot two times to prepare me. "Now the video evidence I'm about to share with you all is very graphic. If any of you guys are sensitive to this subject, walk out now." Mr.Monroe announced. A few members walked out. George was surprised I didn't leave.

"Honey. Are you sure you don't want to step outside? I can come with you if you want." George offered. I smiled. He really did care. "George, I promise I'll be fine." I said. Soon the video was playing. I regretted everything. Tears were flowing down my eyes. It was a silent cry. Being raped was terrible but watching yourself being raped was mentally scarring.

I was seeing it all. Me begging Aaron to stop, him beating to a pulp. I didn't want to see it but I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. George glanced at me and saw that I was on the verge of sobbing. He rubbed my back which turned into crying into his chest. Hearing my forced moan was the worst experience of my life. After 30 seconds the judge stop the video and went through their papers.

"Well, that was enough to convince me." James Reynolds tried to protest but it was no use. "Defendant Aaron Burr is guilty!" They announced while hitting their hammer thingy. This was possibly the best moment of my life. Aaron was officially out of my life forever. I turned over to see him. He was more angry than I've ever seen him before.

Aaron screamed and ran over to tackle me to the ground. He threw as many punches to my fragile face as he could. Security managed to pull him off and drag him away. "THIS WON'T BE THE LAST TIME YOU'LL HEAR FROM ME ALEXANDER!" He yelled as he was being dragged out of the court room. I jumped into Washington's arm and started crying in his chest.

"Honey, did he hurt you that bad?!" George asked with a saddened tone. I sniffed and looked back up at him. A smile grew upon my face. "George... it doesn't matter. He won't be able to hurt us anymore." Washington played with my brown hair.

This was truly one of the best moment of my life. No more pain. No more torture. Just happiness. This is was I craved for the last nineteen years of my life. It was like a new beginning to me. This was probably my last shot of getting a good life. And I will not waste it. "Let's go home and celebrate tonight with dinner." George suggested.

-Time skip-

I woke up not opening eyes. All I did was enjoy the warmth of the bed. Sadly I couldn't feel George in the bed. Maybe I should go find him. Wait, what's that down at my feet. I sit up to see a black tux in a plastic bag with a sticky note saying "wear it" on it. That wasn't the only thing that stuck out to me. The room was dimly lit with vanilla candles. Red rose pedals were scattered around the floor and bed.

My face blushed. This was so romantic and beautiful. The rose pedals led outside of the bed room. Well, Ima check it out. I got out of bed and put on the surprisingly comfortable suit. The black outlined my curves perfectly. George must of been studying me. God I love him so much.

I walked out of the room and followed the pedals. On the hallway walls hung paper. Important dates. I smiled so big I could cry, while taking each paper off and admiring every one. First time we met. First date. Our special night. And, our beginning? It's today's date. Well, today was pretty amazing.

I walk into the dining room and gasped. It was so fucking beautiful. The table cloth was elegant. The lights were perfectly dim. Vanilla candles were insanely romantic. The plates were detailed with artistic gold patterns. Wine glasses were filled and placed gracefully. It was so beautiful I could sob my eyes out.

A hand was carefully placed on my shoulder. I could already tell it was George. "G-George, you did this all for me?" I asked happily while turning around to face him. He nodded and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. We both sat down across from each other and started eating. We didn't eat much since we were admiring each other. George's eyes lit up at he walked to me. I stood up to face him.

"Alexander... you are a god. You are beautiful and every aspect of your soft face is perfectly shaped. Everyday I find new ways just to make you smile or laugh. You are the greatest person in the world and I will never regret meeting you." He gently kissed me and continued.


"Will you marry me?"

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