Chapter 3

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(Quick annoying question, should I write a one-shot smut book?)


~3 weeks later~

Alex's POV

"G-george" I helplessly whimpered like a puppy. "Shhh..." George put his soft lips on to mine to shut me up. This was it, we were having the hottest Sex ever. Every time he thrusted into me, it felt amazing. The moment felt so good I didn't want it to ever end.

I woke up in a cold sweat trying to maintain what the fuck just happened. What the fuck did just happen? Did I just have a wet dream about my teacher? That sounds weird. But it felt so real. Ugh, now I got to take a cold shower to take care of my problem.

Before I could hop in the shower I heard something being thrown at my window. It was like a pebble or something. I walk over and lean to see who it was. Ahh, it was burr. I opened the window and leaned over.

"Hey Aaron." I whispered loud enough to hear me but not enough to get in trouble. He was just about to say something before I noticed something. There was a latter right next to him. Already knew what he was planning. So cliche.

He lean the latter on the house and started to climb up to my window. I couldn't help but blush. Once he got up to my window he held my hands softly.

"Alex... did somebody ever tell you that you look beautiful." He whispered not wanting to get in trouble. I shook my head no. Back in the Caribbean, beautiful was a feminine word. If a male was considered "beautiful" there, they would be considered weak. Fuck there gender roles.

Burr slowly place his hand on my cheek and smiled. "Alex, I don't know how to say this any other way but... will you be my boyfriend?" He spoke softly and smoothly. Oh my god did he look amazing. How could I say no to this. Besides, he could help me get my mind off of my wet dream about my teacher that I live with.

I had to think about my answer for him. Lafayette and Hercules said he was abusive. But I couldn't be that bad, is it!

I decided to go for it. "Yes, of course Aaron." I spoke with confidence. He smiled and kissed my forehead. I giggled and blushed like a little school girl.

"See you later beautiful~" slurred as he climbed down the window. My god, I felt so helpless. My heart was rushing and my face was flushing. Did this really happen?! Me getting a boyfriend?! I wonder, is Herc and Laf up. This is something I need to talk about.

I didn't know who to call. After a few minutes of debating on who to call, I ended up calling up. A few moments of ringing, Lafayette answer.

"Salut mon ami." He groggy said across the line.

"Lafayette, I need to tell you something. But I don't know how to tell you." I said worried

"Just tell me. Rip the bandaid off!"

"I'm dating Aaron!"

"Put the bandaid back on!" He said worried. His voice was mixed with anger, sadness and worry.

"C'mon Laf, why is he so bad?" I whined. I could basically hear him gulp nervously.

"Mom ami, I don't know how to tell you without breaking into tears..." he said, his voice breaking in the process.

What was it? What made him and Herc feel this way. "You don't have to tell m-" I was cut of by Lafayette.

"No, I should tell you..." he said sniffling. After a few breaths, he calmed down.

"Alex... Aaron dated our friend John. Burr abused John terribly physically, mentally and sexually. John was so depressed from the abusive relationship he ended up..." He didn't even finish and broke into sob. I already knew what the ending was.

Aaron couldn't have done that, did he? "Lafayette... I didn't know, in so sorry." I said with a shaky breath.

"I-It's okay, it wasn't your fault. Tell me if he hurts you in any way. Just make sure be careful... goodnight Alex." He said before ending the call. His sobs were still ringing in my head.

They must've been really close for him to just break down in sob explaining what happened. I sat up sighed.

"Aaron is not that bad."

(Trust me that last quote is going to be important in the next chapter)

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