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(Ahh! Sorry that I didn't update yesterday!)

Washington's POV

Laughs and giggles escaped me and Alexander's mouth. My hands were over his eyes. I was so proud of him going to school and being brave enough to tell them the truth. If I was in his shoes, I would've been terrified. He deserved an reward. But I didn't want him to know yet, I even made sure he put on a blindfold on wen we went in the car

"We there yet?" He complained playfully. A laugh escaped my mouth. "Almost darling!" I said, notifying him.

After while of stumbling and laughing, we were there. I slowly took off the blindfold on Alexander's head. He gasped in awe when he saw the restaurant.

We stood in front of a beautiful Italian restaurant. It looked very expensive, I'll admit. Alexander turned over to me and gave me a big hug. I smiled and hugged back.

"George, this looks expensive! Are you sure?!" He said in a panicky tone. He looked like he didn't deserve it. I placed a hand on his shoulder and looked.

"Alexander, don't worry about the price! You deserve to relax. I can tell that all you ever do is panic and worry. You deserve a break! So let's just enjoy tonight, you and I..." I exclaimed in truth. Everything I said was the truth.

His eyes were starry, God they looked so beautiful. His smile grew, and like that, we went inside. I was just so glad I could spend time with the man I love. He deserves happiness more than anything in this world.

Our waitress lead us to the table and handed us our menus. Alexander's eyes lit up. "I've never seen so many options in my life! My family NEVER went to restaurants like this!" He gleamed in excitement.

I placed my hands on his. "Then let's make this an amazing experience." His smiled grew and he went back to looking on the menu. I don't think I even looked at the menu, I was just looking at Alexander.

He was he all bouncy and giddy looking at the options below. His eyes sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant. His brown hair was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't stop admiring him.

My thoughts were interrupted by the waitress. "Hello! Are you two ready to order yet?" She said in a cheery tone. We both nodded.

"Yes, can I have he beef stew please?" Alex asked kindly. Beef stew? Now I know what to cook him every night. Alexander and the waitress both looked at me. Oh yeah it's my turn. "I'll just have what he's having." I said. She nodded and wrote down our orders. She told us our food and drinks would be out soon. That gives me time to talk to Alex.

"Are to France cause madamn." I spat out. I was so nervous I said a stupid pickup line. Laughs escaped his mouth like crazy. He thought I was... funny?

"Ha, George, how are you so funny?!" He laughed through his sentence. My mind went serious. My old girlfriend, Martha, she taught me how to break out of my shell. After she died, I went back to being my old quiet self.

"I'd rather not talk about it..." I said in a quiet voice. He understood and let it be. Huh? Everybody I knew tried to get the truth out of me. But Alexander respect my personal life. He was really a sweet person.

After a while of talking and chatting, or food arrived. He ate fast but elegantly. He looked like he didn't eat for awhile. I stopped to admire the beautiful being sitting in front of me.

I think caught me looking at him, so he sad something. "If your not going to eat that soup, I'll eat it myself." He playfully said. I simply laughed and went back to eating. He finish WAY before me. I ate half of the soup and gave him the rest of mine. He really liked this soup.

"So George, I don't know much about you. Tell me more about yourself." Alexander asked. There wasn't really interesting about me but I told him everything.

"Well, this is my second year teaching. I got the job right when I got out of college. But I'm thinking about being a college professor instead." I said. I thought I sounded boring. But I looked over at Alexander, he was interested. Nobody was as interested in me as Alexander was. I continued to talk, but then I realized...

He was the one...

Helpless - Hamilton x Washington Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang