Chapter 5

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~4 weeks later~

Washington's POV

A frustrating sigh left my lips. So much stress was piling up, being a teacher and all. Not to mention Alex. Oh my sweet Alex.

I know, it's weird calling one of my 'sweet' and 'mine', but I couldn't help it. My feeling for his are growing faster than a wild fire. It felt weird having feelings for a student of mine. But I couldn't help it.

Yes, he was of legal age for us to be in a relationship. Maybe if he graduated high school I would have a chance with him. But he probably saw me as a teacher or maybe a father figure.

Heh. That's something I might never say again. That somebody I have feelings for sees me as their dad.

Their was no work today. Thank god for snow days. It was like a "catch-up-on-all-your-work-you-lazy-asshole" type of deal.

Before I got start I needed to get this place warmed up. It was colder than a witch's tit in here.

I got up from my seat and walked over to my heater. Before I could change the temperature, the precious cinnamon roll named Alex ran over to me.

He was wearing a sweater WAYY too big on him. "Hey uh... can I have something to eat?" He asked nervously.

My heart was beating faster than ever at his adorable stutter. And don't even get me started on how cute he looks!

"Of course! Help yourself to anything!" I clarified. I don't know about you, but I feel like Alex wasn't himself any more. Just look at him! He was more nervous and conservative than ever.

I also might of seen him with a bruised on his arm a few days ago... He gave me a week smile and headed of for the pantry. God damn he was cute as hell!

I shook my head and turned up the heat. Finally did the task at hand. Okay, time to get back to work.

After about a hour of telling myself to get back to work, I was focus. But that focus was politely interrupted by Alex.

"H-Hey, can I go to Aaron's house?" He stuttered nervously. It was like he was hiding something. But there was nothing I could say.

"Of course. Make sure you come home safely. It's snowing like crazy out there." I said, warning him about the chilling winter.

He simply nodded and went to his room to get ready. There was something wrong but I couldn't place my finger on it.

There was something wrong

Alex's POV

"S-Sorry I messed up on the c-cooking..." I stuttered out a weak ass apologize. He just scoffed and flopped himself on the couch.

This has been going on for a week. He been abusing more and more every day. Physical, mentally, sexually, you name it, he's done it.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and get me a drink." He demanded. Oh god, I don't know what to get him. If I mess up the tiniest thing he always yells at me. It was so scary when he yelled.

"W-what would you like?" I asked in a nice tone. If I spoke to Aaron in a kind tone, he sometimes lightens up.

"I dont know... A Beer?" He mumbled and went on his phone. Lafayette and Hercules were right, He was terrible. This wasn't what my heart was telling me to do. I didn't love him like I use to.

But I don't think I have a choice. If I try to tell him I want out of this relationship, God knows what he will do with me! I just mentally sighed and went to go get him a beer.

This might sound mean but his house was a mess, Like a crack-head's house would look like. When do Aaron's parents ever come home? Do they see this mess? Now if they were poor, it was a different story. But his house was just a mess!

I walked over to my boyfriend and held out the can of beer. He snatched it out of my hand and took a swing. I wonder what he was look at when he was on his phone. But if I ask he would probably yell at me.

It was starting to get late out, maybe I should go home. "H-Hey Babe, Its getting late and I think I should head home." I stuttered out. He rolled his eyes and got up from the couch.

"Im walking you home." He commanded. Where was my freedom in this relationship? Was this how a real relationship worked? Did this happen between Lafayette and Hercules or did I just deserve.

These question roamed my mind, making me space out. Before I knew what happened, I felt my cheek sting. "Cut out of it Alex!" He screamed in my face. Aaron had slapped me. This was the second worst thing he'd done to me, but it still hurt.

"Y-Yes, Sorry sir." I said, My voice cracking in the process. I wanted to scream at how much it hurt but Aaron would probably make me feel more hurt if I did.

We started to make our way to my house in the cold winter evening. Tear flowed down my cheeks where Aaron had slapped me. It stung, It was even worst with snow blowing in my face.

Finally, we made it. I thought I was just going to walk inside and call it a night. But he knocked on the door. Shit, I don't want him to know I live with Washington. Lafayette told me that was like social suicide.

As expected, our teacher opened the door. Aaron had a shocked look on his face. "Oh sorry sir, didn't know you lived here. We must be at the wrong house Alex." Before I say something, George answered for me.

"Oh no your at the right place. Alex lives with me." My cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Aaron looked at me with the 'I-got-black-mail-on-you' face.

I went inside before anything could happen. "Have a nice night Aaron!" And before I knew it I was finally away from that monster.

Imminently I went to my room and flopped on the bed. Washington was right at the door frame. "So, how's Aaron like?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Oh yeah Aaron..." I tried to think of the right words to describe him.

"Aaron is not that bad..."

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