Chapter 4

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(Okay! So this chapter is going to explain more about the abusive relationship of Burr and John. Please Read at your own caution!)

~1 year ago~

John's POV

"Aaron is not that bad."

Lafayette and Hercules both looked at me like I was crazy. It was a lie, I am in a abusive relationship with Aaron for the last 3 months now. No matter how badly I wanted to tell them, I couldn't.

"Are you sure mom ami?" Lafayette asked. I don't understand why they couldn't let it go.

"Yes I'm sure! Can you just change the subject please?!" I snapped back. Aaron said if I told anybody about this abusive relationship, he would hurt my friends. As much as I wanted out of the state I'm in, I couldn't escape.

My two friends looked at me, their eyes held worry. Before they could say anything I felt a arm wrap around my waist. I look up to see Aaron.

My body shivered at his touch. "Hey darling.~" He spoke as softly as he could. He planted a kiss on my forehead, the only part of my body that wasn't harmed.

"Hey baby." I whispered back placing a kiss on his cheek. He's grip on my waist became tighter every second. Honestly, I wanted to scream for help. But I couldn't.

"So... we going to hang out today John?" Lafayette questioned. That would be fun, it could give me a break from Aaron and stress gathering up.

Before I could answer, Aaron rudely interrupted me. "Sorry guys, were going to have a little movie night together after school." He said with no mercy in his soul. It's like I didn't have a choice to say yes or no.

"Yep! Sorry guys." I said covering up my fear. My friends said there goodbyes and headed to their final classes, leaving me and Aaron alone.

"God, you need to stop being so paranoid!" He complained. I could tell he was angry.

"S-Sorry." I stuttered. A scoff of disappointment escaped his lips.

"And stop apologizing so much!" He said in a demanding tone. I was about to say sorry again but I knew I would be punished later tonight. I simply nodded.

"Head off to your class, I'll see you after school." He said placing his lips on my forehead.

My mom always told me kisses were special and full of love. But now they feel like poison acid burning on my skin. Worst than the scars on my body.

Once I got to class, I plopped myself in my chair. I winced at impact. Shit I forgot, I was still sore from the weekend. Oh god the weekend.

I shook my head trying to get those bad memories out of my head. My focus was now to the class. But it was so hard to focus. Everything was a blur.

The class went faster than expected. I mentally sighed and went out the school doors. Already heading to Aaron's house.

Once I got there, fear grew like weeds in my chest. My stomach felt clenched. It was like entering a haunted house when you were a kid.

My shaky hand knocked on Aaron's house door. I hoped to see his parents. They were really nice. Raising Aaron must of been tough for them. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder around ten and he would always have these angry fits for no reason.

Instead of saying hi to his parents, I was met with my so called "boy friend." He pulled me inside for a force kiss. As I said, this kiss had no love.

He closed the door and we both made our way to the couch. We sat down and put on some movie. Like I said, didn't have a choice.

We both wrapped our arms around each other and cuddled. It actually seemed we were a normal couple.

Everything was fine until half way through the movie, Aaron started to grind a bit on my hips. I honestly wasn't in the mood tonight. And I was still sore from two nights ago.

"Baby, I'm not in the mood. Can we just continue watching the movie?" I begged Aaron. He completely ignored me. Like I was nothing to him.

"A-Aaron please." I managed to escape through my lips without moaning. Again, no answer. Suddenly he picked me up and led me to his bed.

I already knew I lost the battle here. I let him do his thing with me. He didn't even need my consent. He just did whatever he wanted with me. Like I was a fun toy to play with. I still didn't have a choice or nothing. But like I said...

"Aaron is not that bad..."

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