Chapter 16

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3rd POV

Washington sat by Alexander's hospital bed side once more. The doctor told him Alexander had been severely abused and was lucky to survive. He sat there for days, waiting for his love to wake up. Nurses tried to pull him out but he refused. Washington refused to eat or sleep until he saw Hamilton's eyes once more. He started draw Alexander sleeping in his hospital bed. Washington was a nice drawer but it wasn't his passion. Just like a little hobby of his. Alexander looked beautiful when he slept. But the scars on his face took away the peaceful look. Washington was interested with people with burn scars, pigments or anything that wasn't considered "normal" in society. Every person had a different story to tell. But he didn't completely understand Alexander's new story.

Washington continued to sketch his lover until he heard a grown if pain. He looked up from his sketch pad to see Alexander struggling to wake up. George put aside his sketch bag to help Alexander. "Sweetie it's George..." Washington said rubbing Hamilton's soft hands gently. The smaller man murmured something  nobody could understand. George's hand travel up Alexander's arm to his face, gently cupping it. "Alexander, it's me baby. Be careful and take your time getting up..." George comfort Alex. A weak smile appeared on Hamilton's face.

After awhile, Alexander's eyes were completely open. Hamilton looked around the room and started to freak out. Not this again! The smaller man panicked. George talked slowly to calm him down. "Shhh, Alexander. It's okay, your safe." Hamilton started to bawl his eyes out. He was terrified of hospital rooms now. "George I'm scared!" The smaller man sobbed. Washington wiped his tears of gently and whispered good thoughts into his ear. George was able to calm down Alex from his panic attack. And just on time cause the doctor walked in.

"Good afternoon your two, your Alexander Hamilton, correct." The doctor spoke in a thick Italian accent. Hamilton nodded. "Ah, yes. Mr.Washington here found you on your bed half dead. You should really thank him." The doctor told him. Alexander leaned over and pecked George on the nose. It was mostly boring paperwork they had to do until something caught Alexander's attention. The doctor told them the police were investigating. That means they would probably have to go to court. Alexander's eye widen as he held on to the other man's hand tightly.

"I don't really want the police involved..." Alexander said in a worried tone. He felt embarrassed. He didn't want anyone he got rape. He didn't want people to look down on him and think he weak or pathetic. Or maybe could prevent it and was just seeking attention. Hamilton felt tears swell in his eyes. Washington knew His love didn't want to do this. But he knew it had to be done to stop this mess. George rubbed his hands to calm him down. "Sir may we talk about this for a second? Alone?" Washington asked politely. The doctor nodded and left the room. Alexander was comfortable crying in front of Washington. He always felt safe around him.

George would continue to use the methods that would calm down Alexander. Like kissing his hands, rubbing his hands, singing or whispering good thoughts in his ear. After awhile he calmed down and kissed Washington for a thank you. "Alexander... you have to do this." Washington said. Hamilton sighed in a panicked tone. "B-But, I don't want people to think I'm weak..." The smaller man replied. He clutched onto his strong hands, tears welling in his eyes.

"Alexander, your the strongest person I know. We have to put a stop to Aaron. We can't have him hurting anymore people. You have to put a stop to him." Hamilton remembered all the people in his life. He didn't want Lafayette or Hercules to get hurt. He didn't want Washington to get hurt. Who knows what Aaron could do?! Hamilton sighed and puffed out his chest. "I don't have to put a stop to him... We have to put a stop to him." Washington smiled and hugged Alexander. The doctor came in once more to describe the details of the case. Hamilton was still scared but he was brave. He knew he wasn't allow. He had Washington on his side.

He wasn't going to do this alone.

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