Chapter 12

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(Alex is going to have an anxiety attack in this chapter. If your sensitive to this subject, read at your own risk)

3rd POV

"Can we watch Moana?" Alex begged. Washington nodded and continued to make the popcorn. These two love birds were about to have the best fucking movie date ever. They had the most comfiest pillows and blankets in the house. This was truly going to be one of the best movie dates ever.

"Hurry! It's starting soon!" Alex cheered in joy. Washington soon joined Hamilton on the couch, wrapping his arm around Alexander's shoulders. Hamilton snuggled even closer, enjoying his presence. These two love birds were enjoying the movie until...


Alexander jumped at the sudden noise. Washington looked out the window.  "Gee, it's pouring like crazy out! Thank god we're not out there." Washington said. Fear struck through Alex's heart like a bullet.

He was starting to get flashbacks of the West Indies. Uh no... he thought. His vision was starting to get blurry from the tears forming in his eyes. Him and his wide eyes stared at the TV. The water in movie got darker and darker, like it was taunting him.


Alex jumped in fear once more. Washington took notice of this. "Alexander, are you okay?" George asked. Washington had not seen the tear in Hamilton's eyes yet. Alexander nodded his head.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just cold. I'm just going to go to the bathroom and get another blanket." The small man stutter out. It wasn't his smartest idea but he couldn't let Washington see him like this.

He quickly got up and rushed his small legs to he bathroom. The tears forming in his eyes soon fell out. He kept a hand over his mouth, muffling the sobs.

What would Washington say if he saw him like this? What would Aaron say if he saw him like this? Pathetic, he thought. George and Aaron would think he was pathetic for crying over some rain. It wasn't 'just rain' to Alexander, it was just beginning of triggering flashbacks.

Alexander sounded like a quiet blubbering whale. His family, gone. His birth town, gone. His friends, gone. Everything was gone. Hamilton sobbed and sobbed till his tears stained his face.

Meanwhile Washington was watching the movie, he wondered what Alexander was doing. He knew it didn't take this long to do two simple task. So George got up and started to walk upstairs. Maybe his stomach is upset, Washington thought. He was willing to cancel the date if Alexander wasn't comfortable.

Alexander heard the footsteps grow louder and louder. He knew it was Washington. George couldn't see him like this. He was such a mess.

George lightly knocked on the door. "Alexander are you okay?" He asked. Alexander felt a little better that Washington was present. Hamilton tried to say something through his muffled sobs, but he said nothing. Washington could hear something from the other side but couldn't understand it.

"Alexander I'm coming in." Washington said. Hamilton wanted this moment to end. He couldn't face Washington, he could barely face Aaron in the principal's office, he felt like he couldn't do anything.

George opened the door and put his hands over his mouth. The love of his life was curled up into a ball crying on the bathroom floor. The view broke his heart.

"ALEXANDER!" He yelled in a panicked tone. George fell down to Hamilton's level. Hamilton tried to cover his face in his knees. But George but his soft hands on Alex's face and gently lifted it up. He saw the pain in his eyes.

Hamilton couldn't help but cry. Washington wanted to calm him down. "Alexander don't worry! I'm here! Just breath." He whispered in his lover's ear. It seemed to calm him down a bit but his breathing was still fast.

Alexander sunk into George's arms, crying into his chest. Washington rubbed his back and whispered happy thoughts into Alexander's ear. From every strike of lightning, Alexander jumped and sobbed into Washington's big chest.

After awhile, Alex calmed down enough to talk to him. "I'm so sorry, god I'm so pathetic..." Hamilton cried. Washington shook his head in disagreement. "Alexander, you know that's not true!" Hamilton didn't respond. He just continued cling on Washington. George knew his love must of been uncomfortable in the cold bathroom floor. So he picked him and carried him to their bed. They recently started sharing a bed.

He lightly placed him on the soft blankets and pillows. They were going to get through this together. All through the night, Washington protected and comforted Alex. George didn't need to know why Alex was scared of storms, but he knew if it happened again, he could come for him. Alex then realized something.

He was the one...

Helpless - Hamilton x Washington Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum