Chapter 13

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Art by: kurolelion on Instagram

3rd POV

Alexander thought about this. Hamilton put all his love and trust into Washington, and he knew Washington felt the same back. George had helped Alexander through it all. Through his anxiety attack, through Aaron, through his depression. Hamilton was ready.

"Hey Washington! Can you come upstairs?! I need to talk to you!" The small man called out. Not even 5 seconds later, Washington stood at the doorframe. "Alexander, you need anything?" George Asked. Hamilton let out a small sigh, ready to speak.

"George, I fell in love with you since I saw you. You've helped me through it all! Through my depression, my Anxiety attack, through... him." Alexander took a break and then started again, a few tears forming in his eyes.

"And I really hoped you would be my first, but Aaron ruined everything!" Alexander cried into his hands. Washington walked over to him and embraced him. He knew how hard Alexander was on himself.

The small man sniffed and looked up at the love of his life. "I think I want you to be the one to make love to me." Hamilton smiled. Washington still needed more consent. "Are you sure? Remember the colors?" George asked. The smaller one nodded happily. "Green, yellow, red, yes I know." The two men softly pressed their lips together. It wasn't rough at all. They weren't fucking hard, they were making love. Something Alexander Hamilton deserves.

The two broke away, the burning passion blew down. Before they could kiss again, Hamilton turned around to take off his dark green shirt. He had completely forgotten the scars Aaron left behind. The bigger man admired the scars, bruises and cuts. Every mark told apart of a story. Washington couldn't imagine all of it. He hugged his love from the behind, kissing down his neck. "Your scars tell a brave story Alexander.~" he whispered in his ear.

The small man smiled and swayed with his partner to a silent rhythm. He turn around to face his lover. Their lips met once again, but with more passion this than before. Alexander jumped into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist. The kiss continued as they fell onto their comfortable bed.

They broke away to breathe. "Alexander are you sure you want this?" Washington asked softly. George's soft voice sent shivers down Alexander's spine. "More then anything." The smaller man said. Washington smiled and quickly took off his tank top, revealing his muscular frame. Even after seeing his body countless time, he couldn't stop staring.

Hamilton and George both took their pants off, looking into each other's eyes. Washington couldn't help but kiss the one he loved. They were both in their boxers, admiring each other.

"Oh wait! I almost forgot!" Washington said. He went to the bedside to grab protection. George always made sure if he had sex, it was protected. Alexander lied on the bed, presenting himself. The bigger man planted kisses and hickeys on Hamilton's tummy. Quiet moans came out of Alexander's mouth. Washington knew he was enjoying this. George was the painter, Alexander was the canvas.

It was now time. Washington took off Alexander's boxers seductively, making Alexander blush. George taking his own off and grabbing the condom. "Are you sure your ready?" George asked, needing full consent. Hamilton smiled and nodded. There was no turning back.

Washington slid on the condom and positioned himself. He carefully went inside Alexander, earning a moan of pain and charm. Alexander wasn't used to Aaron's thickness so he was definitely not used to Washington thicker dick. A grunt was heard from the bigger man. He waited for Alexander to adjust.

Once Alexander adjust, George thrusted at a slow pace. The moans coming from Hamilton grew louder and louder with every thrust. He panted, saying something to his lover. "I love you so much George.~" Alexander moaned. George smiled and kissed him passionately. The smaller man rapped his legs around Washington's waist and dug his nails into his back.

This was love. They weren't like anything else. This wasn't just fucking, this was sex. The two enjoyed it through the night. They didn't want to end it. "Alexander, I love you too." George panted. They finished off with loud moans in sync. Washington pulled out of Hamilton, disposed of the condom and fell onto the bed with Alexander.

"That.was.amazing!" The two love birds said in unison. Chuckles came out of their mouths as they snuggled and cuddled. They both stared into each other's eyes. It was now when they both realized they had the same thought.

He was the one.

Helpless - Hamilton x Washington Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora