Chapter 8

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3rd POV

It was almost 2 days Washington had stayed in that room. After Alexander passed out from his overdose, he was brought to the hospital immediately.

The doctors said he would make it but Washington still stayed. Nurses tried to drag him out because of visiting hours but he wouldn't budge.

He was think of what Hamilton said last night. Did Hamilton really have feelings for him? That what Washington was going to ask. If so, maybe it wouldn't be so weird when he confesses his feeling for him.

His thin body hooked up to the machines around him. His pale face relaxed. The scars and bruises on his arms were noticeable. George knew how he got the scars but wondered about he bruises.

Hours passed and Alexander still hasn't woke up. Washington grew worried. Would he ever wake up? He began to doubt what the doctors said.

That was until he heard a noise of distress. Alexander eyes were fluttering at the sudden bright lights of the hospital. The lights blinded him.

Once Washington saw Alexander wake up, he flew into his arms. Tears sprung out of eyes like a waterfall. If you put Washington and a waterfall next to each other, you wouldn't be able tell the difference.

"Ow!" Alexander winched in pain. He was still sore from his cuts. Washington heard his winch and pulled away. Washington still had tears overflowing his eyes. "Alexander! Thank god you're alive!" He cried out in joy.

They both had wide smiles on their faces. That was until Alexander remembered what he said before he passed out.

"Hey uh, sorry what I said before I passed out..." he awkwardly spat out. Hamilton thought it would be the end and he wouldn't have to face this situation.

Washington needed an exact answer before he could tell him the truth. He held Alexander's hand and looked straight into his eyes.
"Alexander, please tell me honestly, did you mean what you said?"

Alex had gulped and nodded his head in a 'yes' motion. Washington was ready. "Alexander, I felt the same way ever since I laid my eyes on you. I don't care if I lose my job because of this! I'm so happy I get to finally let it out!" Washington said, happiness filling him.

Alexander's face grew a transparent dark pink. Was this really happening?! Hamilton reached over to hug his love. He felt so relieved.

But a sudden thought erased his happy moment. "I wish I could be with you, but I can't. I have to stay with Aaron..." he had forgotten all about Aaron. What would Aaron do to him when a return to school.

Washington knew something was up. "Alex, what is going on between you and Aaron? Something is off." He asked in a concerned tone.

Alex felt like he could burst out into tears and pour everything out. But he knew what the after math would be.

"George, do you really want to know? I don't want to put your life in danger..." The small Caribbean man questioned.

Washington thought about it and nodded. A sigh escaped Alexander's lips. It was finally time to get help.

"Well... I don't know how to explain it with out bursting out into tears. I'm in a abusive relationship with Aaron Burr. He abused me physically and mentally, but not sexually. I just wanted to put a end to this toxic relationship! And the only way I thought I would get out of it was to put a end to me!" Alex sobbed harder and harder. It felt good to finally let everything out. But he was scared what Washington was going to do next.

"A-Alex... Don't worry, we'll get through this together! I wont let him touch you ever again!" He said, trying to calm Alex down. Hamilton loved Washington's voice, so he calmed down much faster.

A knock was heard from hospital door. Washington assumed it was a nurse or a doctor, he went and open the door to find familiar faces.

"Alexander, somebody is here to see you." George told Hamilton. The French man and the horse fucker popped their heads in the door frame to see their beloved friend on the hospital bed.

Lafayette was holding about 5 'get well soon' balloons and flowers while his boyfriend was holding a giant teddy bear as huge as him. They were worried about their friend.

"Mon ami! Your alive!" Lafayette cheered in his French accent, Hercules following after his boyfriend. Alex was shocked from the stuff they brought. "D-Did you bring that stuff for me?!" Alex asked in a shocked tone.

"No we got it for ourselves, of course we got this for you!" Hercules blurted out in a sarcastic tone. Alex felt touched. He didn't think these people would care about him, but he was wrong.

"These two told me everything. They told me how you ran out of the school crying. That's why I was home so early." Washington explained. Hamilton was so happy he could cry.

"Alexander, I need to asked you something." The French man said. Lafayette was wondering why he would attempt such a thing. The Caribbean man was thinking for the right words to say.

"I just wanted to be free..."

Helpless - Hamilton x Washington Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin