Chapter 2

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Washington's POV

I sighed in frustration and put my hand on my forehead. What the hell is this feeling? I've never felt this way before. It made me angry. It made me weak. It made me smile.

It made me helpless...

Who does this kid think he is to just come in my life and make me feel this way. As much as the feeling made me confused, I still had to protect him.

I honestly shouldn't been feeling this. If anybody was able to find out I felt this way about Alexander I could get in huge trouble. Lose my job or even get in jail. I can't lose my job no matter what.

Alexander had my debate class 6th and 7th period today so I had awhile to spare.

Today was going to be a long day...

Alexander's POV

"I won't lie Alex, but I think Aaron is staring at your ass." Hercules whispered to me as we walked to our next class.

I felt my face blush. "Who's Aaron?" I asked curiously. Somebody actually liked me? Lafayette and Hercules look at each other and back at me.

"Aaron is well... a bad guy..." Lafayette whispered.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back in a low voice. We both got to our class and sat down.

"He's really abusive. He gets really angry if anybody is better than him, grade wise. If I were you, I would stay away from him." Hercules explained and suggested.

"What does he look like?" I was really curious about this dude. Were they just messing with me?

Lafayette pointed to guy in the front row. He was wearing a dark velvet shirt and dark blue ribbed jeans.

He turned his head in my direction and winked at me. Shit he was cute. I felt the blood rushing on my cheek, making me blush.

Lafayette and Hercules both saw I was flush. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Look Alexander, Be careful. We don't want you to get into a unhealthy relationship. But if you like him, don't get hurt." Hercules said. I simply nodded and turned to the front of the class.

The teacher walked in and shut the class up. "Okay okay everybody, we have a new student." The teacher spoke. Everybody in the class stared in my direction. I gulped and looked at the teacher.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" He said in a grumpy tone. What a fucking asshole. I took a deep breath and stood up.

"Hello everyone. I'm Alexander but you can call me Alex-" I was cut off by one asshole of a student.

"Or faggot!" He blurted out. The whole giggled and laugh at my embarrassment. I decided to continue.

"I'm 18 years old and I was born and raised in the Caribbean." I finished smiling. Whispers we're heard from around the room.

"Okay Alex. I'm Mr.Adams, you can take a seat now." He said and then started his lesson.

~Time skip~

"Mr.Adams is a fucking asshole." I complained to Hercules. He simply just took a sip of his juice box and shrugged.

"Honestly, he should sit his fat ass down and learn some manners." I complained. A angry sigh escaped and simply finish the sad excuse of lunch food, thanks to the cranky lunch ladies.

I saw Aaron walk over to our table. Lafayette and Hercules both rolled their eyes while I blushed. He leaned on the table and winked at me.

Herc and laf had a face of disgust on his face. "Ew, you got a left hand use it Aaron." Lafayette said gagging.

"I wasn't talking to you grease hair." Aaron scolded at Lafayette. I could see Lafayette cover his hair in embarrassment.

Hercules's grew angry and decided to speak up. "At least he has hair asshole!" Hercules shot back.

Me and Lafayette laugh at his come back. Ok, it was pretty fucking funny. You can't blame me for laughing.
Aaron shot a glare at my friends and then turned back to me.

"Anyway, so your the new cute kid huh? Alexander was it?" He smoothly said. My heart fluttered as he spoke.

"Y-Yeah, I guess s-so." I stuttered like a idiot. You know, it really helpful Aaron is taking my mind of Washington. Oh god Washington, I forgot all about him. And I have to live with him until June. My god have mercy on my soul.

I snapped back into reality to listen to Aaron. "Well, I'll see you around cutie.~" He finished, giving me a wink and walking off.

Hercules and Lafayette both looked at me. They had a face of disgust. "What a scumbag." They both said together. I was confused. They hated them more than usual.

"God your over exaggerating."

(Btw that quote is going to be the dead of me)

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