Chapter 14

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(Y'all ready for so cute ass fluff)

Alex's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the sunlight went into my eyes. Memories of last night replayed in my mind. I turned over to wake Washington to find him not there. I wonder where he was. My nose caught a sweet smell of breakfast. No way.

My weak legs managed to get me out of bed and head down stairs. I caught sight of George, cooking chocolate pancakes and bacon. He was wearing dark blue boxers that fit his ass perfectly and a light grey tank top. As for myself, I was in dark green boxers similar to Washington's and no shirt. Apparently he loves my stomach.

I walked up from behind him and hugged his waist. My tired head fell on his back. He smiled and went back to cooking. "Morning darling.~" I slurred lazily. He finished cooking and turned around to lay a kiss on my forehead. "Morning to you as well." He continued to kiss my forehead, then to my cheek, then to my next, going down lower and lower. George never went down farther then my lower stomach without my permission. Laughs and giggles escaped my mouth, I was enjoying and apparently he was too.

We were both on the floor. I was laughing my ass of while Washington kissed and tickled my stomach. After a while, we stoped. We both stared into each other's eyes. His eyes were so god damn beautiful. They were my favorite. "Did you have fun last night?" Washington asked, laying on top of me. I nodded my head and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips met for a passionate kiss. Fireworks flew in my head when ever we kissed. I swear I could fly.

Eventually we got up to eat the breakfast George had made. He made chocolate chip pancakes with crispy bacon. I don't know how he knew, but this was my favorite type of breakfast. We ate in laughter and love. He talked about how he wanted to own a business and I offered to help him by joining the business. A smile grew upon his face. George always supported me, it was about time I supported him. The breakfast he made tasted AMAZING. He offered to clean the dishes but I stepped into help. No matter how many times he said he didn't need the help.

After awhile of doing minor chores, me and George realized we had nothing to do all day. That was until george interrupted my thoughts. "Wanna hang out at the park today?" He suggested. A smirk grew across my face. I crossed my arms like a little child. "Are you asking me out of a date?~" I cooed. He chuckled and playfully punched me in the shoulder.

We eventually got changed. I wore a green flannel and black jeans while George wore a baby blue button down shirt with dark brown pants. Honestly, he dressed better than me. He dress like he was ready for business. I shrugged it off as me and Washington headed for the car. "Last one to the car is a rotten egg!" Washington yelled. Before I knew it I was


"Awww, the ducks are so cute!" I squealed. Me and George were walking around the park. He had his muscular arms around my small frame as my head laid on his buff shoulder. I smiled and threw pieces of small bread to the ducklings. Speaking of feeding, I was getting hungry. "Can we get ice cream?" I begged Washington. A smiled and nodded. Don't worry, I'll pay him back later.

We waited in the line when we saw a familiar couple in front of us. Was that Lafayette and Hercules? I mentally questioned my self. Obviously I wasn't going to get an answer. So I took action. "Lafayette? Herc?" I asked poking the two men on the shoulder. They turned around and I had gotten my answer. It was the greatest pear in the world, Lafayette and Hercules. A smile grew upon their faces. "Mon ami! Comment ça va?" Lafayette spoke in his french accent.

I understood french perfectly since I worked at a trading business. My boss taught me how to read different languages. 5 languages I think I learned how to speak/understand. "Ça va très bien, since Aaron is not in my life anymore." I had completely forgotten about Aaron. He was such an anchor in my life. Always dragged me down. Now he never going to bother me or use me ever again!

We won't be back.

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