{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2} [28]

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My face was consumed with my grin. I'm really, honestly sure it stretched from one ear to the other as I parked Dan's car in the driveway. Matt parked right beside me and we all filed out. I handed Dan back his keys reluctantly.

"I so love your car," I half whined as I stared at it in appreciation. 

"Well if you behave yourself on tour I might let you drive it when we get home."

"You don't have to," I said blushing.

"No, no...let's consider it extra incentive for you to behave."

Dan put his arm around my shoulders and guided me across the porch. Matt opened the door and nodded at him as he disappeared into the kitchen with my mom. Jr and Dakota were playing catch as Dan guided me into the living room. We sat down on the couch and I felt my stomach do a funny little flip.

"Andy, I know we've talked to you guys about tour before but I think we need to have a more in depth talk now that you're older and," Dan's eyes slid up and down my form, "more mature."

"I know that I disappointed everyone before but I won't do it again. I will stick to the rules. I won't leave the bus without someone and I won't...."

"Without me," Dan interrupted.


"You aren't permitted to leave the bus or the venue without me or Matt."



"Why? I promise I'll be good."

"Andy....we aren't punishing you. We're protecting you. Brian may have been acting like a..duc..ahem...an idiot earlier..."

I giggled and Dan grinned.

"He had a valid point Andy. You've grown up and you aren't a little girl anymore. When you dress like a girl instead of wearing Jr's clothes it's noticeable to all the guys that you're very much a young woman now and that can bring you more trouble than you think."

"I'm still me though. Just cause I'm wearing a skirt doesn't mean I've changed."

Dan smiled at me. "I know Andy and that's part of the problem. You're still way to naive about guys your age."

"Uh Dan, I have a twin my age remember? I'm not naive I just choose to ignore them."

"Well if you keep wearing outfits like that they aren't going to choose to ignore you."

"I thought you liked it?"

"I do like it. You look..."


"Pretty, is what I was going to say," he said frowning. He ruffled my short bob. "I really like this hair kiddo. It's so you."

"Thanks," I murmured running my fingers through the same place he'd just ruffled as my stomach flipped again.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I think I'm just nervous about tour."

"You don't have to be nervous. Matt and I will make sure you are safe."

I smiled at him mischievously. "From the press or boys?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Both but I thought you weren't interested in boys?"

"I'm not. I thought you just said they would be interested in me?" I asked with wide eyed innocence.

"I think they are."


"Yeah...who is he?"

"What?" I asked totally confused.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now