{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [4]

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I sighed and turned my phone on silent and then tossed it on my dad's old bed.

I was slightly frustrated that my mom was trying to call yet again. I mean for godsake! I was skipping a picnic and spending the night at my grandparents' house not going out to some wild party. I bit my lip instantly feeling guilty. My eyes landed on the alarm clock slash radio that was sitting on the nightstand. It was six p.m. and other than a quick 'hello, how are you' around noon I hadn't visited much with my grandparents.

I had been to busy messing around with the drum kit. There was this one song that just seemed perfect and I was trying to learn it but it just wasn't working out for me. I felt frustrated and torn because I wanted to be able to master it but I also got so little time with my grandparents alone. Usually if I was spending the night I had at least Jimmy if not Dakota too. I grinned. Jimmy, Dakota, and I were some of the luckiest kids in the world. We had parents who loved us and three sets of grandparents! Well technically only two because my mom's parents had died before I was born but that was the great thing about having three sets we still had two left.  My smile faded a bit as I looked at a picture of my dad and Brian when they were teens on the desk in the corner.

Being lucky didn't mean that there still weren't regrets in our lives or holes that couldn't be filled no matter how much love and attention was poured into them.

I made up my mind to give it one more shot before I would go downstairs and visit with my grandparents. I heard a car pull in the driveway and then the front door opening but I didn't pay any attention to it as I studied the page in the notebook again then turned on the tape at the right spot.

The first part was easy for me by now but when I got to the middle I messed up the same part again. Frustrated with myself I growled in frustration  before throwing my sticks across the kit and onto the bed.

I heard a male chuckle and some clapping. I turned on the stool to the doorway in surprise. Papa Gates stood there with my grandma who was looking surprisingly happy if a little teary eyed. If I had been in her shoes and witnessed my granddaughter throwing something across a room this important to me I think I would have been furious.

"You know that was one of your dad's favorites? He was so excited the day he shared it with the guys."

I shrugged. I only knew it was in the book and it was one of the few from this book that they had recorded.

"You sound like him kind of when you play, and the throwing the sticks when you're frustated," Papa Gates grinned at me. "That is so your father when he was your age."

"Really?" I said blushing.

'Yep, so why didn't you tell me you took up drums last weekend when you were over for dinner?" he pouted.

"Um because I hadn't then."

He looked surprised.

"When did you?"

"Uh I guess  technically today. I found my dad's old sticks and some stuff in the storage and Matt helped me pull out these notebooks and tapes. He thought they'd interest me." I shrugged a bit and tried to play it off like it was no big deal.

"Matt did huh?" Papa Gates asked.

I just nodded not really wanting to talk about it. I knew the family had sensed the rising tension over the last few years and especially the last few months. Over the years I had grown used to Matt's abscenes for tours. Not that I prefered it to him to be home. Honestly I think things would be fine if my mom would just stop pushing us to be closer.

I got up from behind the kit and gathered up my things. I put them back in my bag and smiled at the adults in the doorway.

"I'm starving Grams you wouldn't happen to have any of that amazing chicken left from lunch would you?"

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