Chapter Ten: The Great Escape

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Warning: Strong Language and Sexual Content!


It had been three days since Ary had disappeared and Rave wasn't functioning very well. He was having a hard time not reverting back to his old ways and going out and threatening anyone he could get his hands on. Even knowing that Ty was sticking around to help out wasn't enough to calm him down. He hadn't realized how grounded he had been with Ary around. Without her he felt like a drug addict going through withdrawals.

"Where the hell is she!?" Rave shouted at the bloodied man in front of him.

The guy was barely conscious, slouching in the chair. He would have been on the floor if not for the ropes tying him to the chair. Rave had tied him up as an after thought. After the guy had already gone to the floor a couple times, from Rave hitting him.

"That's enough, Colt!" Ty said, pulling him away from the bloodied man.

"You're not the boss of me anymore!" Rave shouted, pushing away from Ty.

"This isn't about who's in charge, Raven." Ty used his first name once they were in the hallway and away from the others. "This is about your friend stopping you from doing something stupid."

"Finding Ary is stupid?" Rave demanded.

Hatred and anger were evident in his expression, but so was something else. Fear. Fear that he might lose the one person that had ever meant anything to him. Fear that he was losing himself. He didn't know how to be without Ary there to coach him. She was always reminding him about protecting people who couldn't protect themselves and doing it in a way that saved lives on both sides. Rave didn't know how to do any of that. He only knew his enemies and how to successfully end their lives so they wouldn't be a threat to him anymore. He hated that part of himself and he hated how easily he could succumb to that part. He always tried to convince himself that he could be a better man, if the circumstances were different, but now he wasn't so sure that he was capable of rising above it.

"Raven, do you really think Ary will care that you saved her if you killed people in the process?" Ty asked him. He was treating Rave like he were a child.

"I don't care," Rave snapped. Talking to Ty was just diminishing his anger and that was not what he wanted.

"Yes, you do. I know you care about Ary's safety, but I also know you care about what she thinks about you. Don't deny it," Ty ordered.

Rave was about to reply when their captive began to laugh hysterically. Rave and Ty shared a look before stepping back into the room.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Ty demanded.

"Christian is going to get free and he is going to get your bitch. He is going to fuck her up real good. Maybe he'll let you watch while the whole gang screws her, you traitor!" the Bloodbath flunky laughed in Rave's face.

Rave was so shocked by his words that he couldn't even move, let alone kill the bastard in front of him. Ty wasn't too shocked to move. He knocked the guy out with one punch, sending him and the chair tipping over backwards. The silence in the room was deafening after that.

The only thing Rave could think about was Ary, and what was happening to her. He was too weak to move. He knew what Christian was capable of, what any man was capable of. He started to panic as thoughts of Christian raping his sweet, beautiful Ary took over. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. He couldn't do anything, except stand there and let Christian hurt the woman he loved.


"You know I'll be released from rehab within the day once they drug test me and find out that the strongest thing I'm on is Tylenol," Ary told Garrett from the backseat of the SUV.

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