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"We can play sardines!" said Kenzie.

"What's sardines?" asked Niall. Even a word like sardines sounds amazing with his accent!

"It's a game where two people's names get drawn, and they have to go hide together, and then we turn all the lights off and close all the blinds then everyone else tries to find them, and when they do, they have to hide with them. Soon you've got a ton of people hiding in a little spot, so you're packed in like sardines," explained Kenzie.

"So who gets to hide?" asked Zayn.

"Louis, give me your hat," said Kenzie. Louis handed it to her, "Um...why is there cinnamon sugar in your hat?"

We all burst out laughing, "Long story," I said.

"Um...okay," said Kenzie writing all of our names on their own slips of paper. She drew the first one out, "Mae...and...." she drew the second one out, "Harry,".

Just shoot me now.

"Okay, shut all the blinds then I'll go and turn off all of the lights," said Kenzie.

"Is this supposed to be more like hide and seek, or seven minuites in heaven?" asked Harry.

"Hide and seek!" yelled Kenzie.

"Dirty boy," I added. I went and shut the blinds in my room, and the other three rooms on the top floor. Kenzie went around and shut off all the lights.

"Now the rest of us will sit in the living room while Mae and Harry go and hide," said Kenzie, "we'll give you ten minuites,"

Harry and I walked up the stairs being careful not to make a sound.

"Where should we hide?" asked Harry when we made it onto the second floor.

"I've got an idea," I said, "come on," and started walking up to the third floor.

"Okay," he obeyed. We walked through my bathroom into my walk-in closet.

"Down here," I said gesturing behind the bottom rack of clothes, "we can hide behind these clothes,". We sat down and let the clothes fall in front of us.

"So what do we do now?" asked Harry.

"Wait," I said.

"Ugh," he moaned, "I hate waiting,".

"Shhh," I whispered, "they might hear us,"

Harry and I sat there for a while.

"Are all of these clothes yours?" whispered Harry.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Wow! How much clothes do you girls need?"

"I bet that you have even more," I said

"Do not!" said Harry.

"Okaaaaaaay," I giggled.

"It's true I don't actully have that much clothes!"

"I bet you have more clothes than I do,"

"Do not!"

I heard voices.

"Shhh" I said.

"Okay, I just tripped on the stairs, so we must be on the third floor," I heard Louis say.

"Are we in the den?" asked Zayn.

"I don't know," said Louis, "Maybe it's Mae's room,"

"Well we don't even know if-OUCH!"

"What is it?" asked Louis.

"I ran into the bed!" said Zayn.

"So it is Mae's room..."

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