6 Months Later

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A/N: I'm on tumblr now ninjaspatchula15.tumblr.com


6 months later...

C, the last answer is c. I sighed quietly, finally, finals are over. I actually passed my sophomore year. Magic. After all that's happened this year, summer school seriously seemed like a possibility, but after the boys left, I devoted my life to me school work. I had nothing better to do, it took my mind off of things. Okay, I took my mind off of Liam. I took my driver's test and I have my license now. Alyssa already graduated, she's going to a uni in the UK next year so Zayn can visit her while he's off. They're an official couple now and Alyssa's craziness gives her a huge fan base. Niall and Kenzie are still together. Niall still says he's single because he is afraid of hate Kenzie might get because if her age. The boys and I Skype at least once a week. But never Liam. Never. I haven't seen him for six months. Sure, I've seen him online or on TV every so often, but that's not the same. He seems the same, but different at the same time.

I still have the dreams. I usually try to sleep for a little while, then spend my time reading or studying after I wake up from a bad dream. They're all still terrifying, but they've changed, they're not always about Liam. They usually involve abandonment, Kenz is trying to get me to go to a theripist, but I don't need to. I'm doing alright.

I'm fine. I truly am. I hang out with Laci and Dune all the time. They called it off because it wasn't working out, but the three of us are still friends. They're still a bit weirded out by the whole "Liam thing", but it's died down now. A lot of the girls at school were mad at me for "breaking Liam's heart" but I've just stopped listening to them. Like I said, it's all died down now.

I look over my answers for a few seconds and then get up and turn in my scantron and test booklet. The clock shows that there are just a few minuites left of the day and then it'll officially be summer vacation. As I walked back, Jake glared at me. After Jake started causing up trouble in school, his father gave in and got him tested for mental diseases. Jake has schizophrenia, and a few other mental diseases. He is slowly going to therapy and being rehabilitated. Most of his stress comes from the death if his sister. It wasn't his fault that any of this happened to me, but now he can finally getting the help he needs. After finding out her suposed "boyfriend" belonged in the nutthouse (can you say bee-och), Mallory transferred to a private school that her dad payed for.

I somehow managed to not only pass, but also get A's and a few A-'s in all my classes, meaning if I pass all my classes next year, I will have enough credit to graduate and start college a year early. I think that will be the best option for me. I need to get out of this town, start somewhere new. Somewhere I've never been before. Definately not Florida.

My mother came back from Japan for two months. She's finally started to realize she needs to be present in our lives again. She's easing her was into it. She's working in India right now, and she calls us whenever she can, even if it means staying up late. I really appreciate that she's trying again, but I don't know what Kenzie is going to do after I graduate next year. Maybe Niall will come and live with her....I don't think I want Niall living with her. She's just a kid.

The bell rang and everyone sprung out of their seats.

"Have a great summer," said my Chemistry teacher, "make good choices!"

I waved goodbye to her, and ventured into the hallway. Alyssa let me use her car because she didn't need to come to school anymore. As I walked out to the student parking lot, my phone buzzed.

1 new message from THE CARROT KING "You home yet?"

I replied, "no, just getting in the car to drive home now"

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