Chapter 1 - A Drunk Kiss

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It was 9pm when I arrived at the Broken Stool’s bar with my best friend, Lorrie, and her boyfriend, Niall. We went together on the humid Friday night to celebrate life and shake off the stress and pressure from school.

It was the first time I met Niall who was going to perform with his band mates who together were called One Direction. I mean, what's better than third wheeling with your friend and her boyfriend while your own boyfriend works?

The loud music which vibrated through your blood, colourful lights that zoomed around the dark room briefly showing crowds of bodies dancing to the beat of the music made the hair on my skin rise.  This was exactly what typical girls my age enjoy.

Lorrie and I were getting pretty drunk without knowing. We promised ourselves that we'd only have a sip, especially since we're 17 and underaged, but one sip turns into another and eventually you've intaken not just one, but several glasses.

I sat in a smelly red booth catching my breath from all the dancing. My brown hair clung to my chest and forehead by the perspiration. I took out a pocket mirror from my bag to double check my make up hadn't smudged and I wasn't looking ratchet or as skanky as some of the other half-naked girls in the club. My green eyes were still neatly surrounded by black eyeliner and the lipstick on my plump and rather big lips was still a vibrant colour.

I watched Lorrie smile and stare at Niall. Her dark chocolate coloured eyes were wide and round, in taking every single feature of Niall's. I was eventually introduced to Niall and before he had to go up and join the 4 other boys on stage I already picked up the fact that he was quite a laugh, and a bloke who could drink a lot without getting very drunk. He was a lovely lad, not to mention the cuteness of his button nose and laugh. I was really happy he got with Lorrie, she was never into the hard core boys who did dangerous motorbike stunts or would kill anyone in their way to reach a football on the other side of the field.

“Well, I'm about to hop on stage. Nice talking to you Hope, I'll catch you afterwards!” He said over the top of the music. 

"You too!" I called back. He didn't hear me since the boom of the music was so loud it shook the liquids in our glasses. He kissed Lorrie on the cheek before he ducked out and disappeared into a crowd of bodies.

Before One Direction came on stage Lorrie and I had a few more sips of our drinks and talked about the guys. I asked her about the other guys but she said she barely knew them. I told her about how I might be moving schools because my dad got a new job, and how I hated my Mum's boyfriend. My parents separated 8 years ago when I was 9, and in the mean time my mother picked up her new boyfriend who was a total jerk. Dad lived on the other side of the country for work, but now that he's got a new job my mother suggested I should live with him since I hadn't seen him since then.

Our conversation was interrupted as a man in a suit tapped on the microphone on the stage wanting everyone's attention. 

“Ladies and gentleman, may I please introduce One Direction!” He shouted into his microphone.

 Lorrie and I screamed and squealed, while the people around us stared as if we were cheering for Obama.

A group of five guys came on and started singing ‘Boyfriend’ by Justin Bieber. As soon as the music started playing and people recognised what song was playing the girls went crazy and whoo'ed a lot.

“Who’s the guy with the quiff? He's hot.” I commented.

 “He's Zayn, but have a look at all of them, they're all hot!” She shouted over the music.

They played for about another hour, with more than plenty of break times between the songs. Once they were finished all the boys joined as in the booth and we watched a few absolutely racist and drunk comedians came on stage and tell terrible jokes that everyone still laughed at because we weren't sober. 

It Started With A Drunk Kiss (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction) [EDITING] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now