Chapter 8

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It was 12:00 midnight. I woke up putting a pair of jeans and a t shirt on along with a pair of cowgirl boots.

I had everything in my suitcase packed.The problem is that I have to sneak food into my bag and try to go in my parents dresser to steal some money. They deserve to not have any money since what they were doing to me and Lucky.

I tiptoed to the kitchen,carefully opening the fridge.  I grabbed 4 waters, lunch meat, bread,peanut butter,dog crunchers,fruit roll ups, and a huge bag of chips. I decided to grab a thing of cookies since there was more room in my bag.

I walked back to my room and carefully placed the bag on top of my bed. There was only one more thing to do. Get the money.

I opened my parents bedroom door carefully. I climbed on the floor just in case they woke up they wouldn't see me sneaking into their room.

I carefully pulled open the top drawer and grabbed 550$ cash. OMG. I never had this much money before.

I climbed back out of the room and placed the money in my bag. I went back into my parents room to do something completely stupid.

I wanted to put red hair dye in my parents shampoo and conditioner bottles.  I am so evil but at the same time they get what they get. They beat me and my puppy so their hair can be red.

I sneaked out of their room to get to my room. Lucky and Rex were ready to go with their leashes.  I grabbed my bag and suitcase and walked out of the front door.

It was dark and quiet. It was so quiet that I could hear grasshoppers. Lucky let out a small bark and Rex kept going.

This is it..I'm leaving home with my dogs..

I went into the woods so I can find a spot to sleep for a little bit. I wanted to wait until it was light outside so the three of us can catch a train to New Jersey.

I stopped and sat down near a bunch of trees over my head.It was dark and it was really hot. Rex layed on my legs and Lucky curled next to me.

I fell asleep with a few minutes and all I can hear is Lucky and Rex snore...

A Runaway from HomeWhere stories live. Discover now