Chapter 5

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The next morning Dad woke me up,telling me that I can sleep in my bed but I decided not to since Lucky would be outside by himself.It's really dark and  scary at night.

I heard loud barking in the living room. It was the German shepherd dog that mom and dad were talking about the other day.

I hugged him. He was really soft like a cozy bear.

"What's his name gonna be?" my father looked at the big dog.

"What about Rex?" I questioned.

My Dad smiled and said "Rex it is then"

I took Rex outside to meet Lucky for the first time.

Lucky stared but then got close to Rex . Rex licked Lucky like it was his own son.

Wait..what if I took Rex along with me and Lucky? He would keep us good company. He would also protect me and Lucky.

I am deciding to leave during next weekend..I want to go to school to see my friends for the last time and to  pack certain things for the trip.

A few hours later, I sat on my bed watching MTV with Lucky on my bed and Rex laying on my comfy purple rug on the floor.

My brother came in my room yelling for Rex but Rex ignored him and continued to lay on my rug.

"Stupid dog!" Adam said as he slammed my door.

My father came in my room and grabbed Lucky,this time the right way.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I asked him.

"He's going to the pound.." he said in a stern voice.

"No! Please don't..." I yelled clenching my fists.

Rex barked a couple times then growled at Dad. My father ignored it.

Rex bit Dad's ankle making him drop Lucky. I called Lucky name and he ran to me. Rex jumped on Dad and continued to growl at him. Lucky was calm in my arms.My mother and Adam ran outside and Rex climbed off of him.

"You know what..I'm taking both of them to the pound..!" my father yelled walking towards me.

"Can we get rid of them another day..we just got Rex a couple days ago.. " my mother said calmly.

"Fine these dogs are going away as next weekend whether anyone likes it or not" my father said as he limped away.

Rex and Lucky will be gone next weekend. It will give me time to leave before they go to the pound.

I walked back to my room with Lucky and Rex. I had a suitcase under my bed and a small bag. I decided to put some clothes and my Dolly in the suitcase. I found some toys that belonged to Lucky so I put them in my suitcase. The day I leave I will fill up my small bag with food for me and the dogs. Oh! I'll take money from Mom and Dad just in case I run out of food and water.

Running away from home is the best idea. Being safe is the top priority for me right now.

I went to the kitchen to get Rex and Lucky crunchers and water.

No one was in sight so I placed the cruncher and water in 2 bowls so that they share and walked quickly back  to my room.

Tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to school so this is going to be tough. What if I fake sick? I just don't trust anyone alone with my pup.

A Runaway from HomeWhere stories live. Discover now