Chapter 13

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As I was still running, sweat was dripping from my forehead and I was panting like a dog. Annie was on the bus first and I ran to the bus and climbed up the mini stairs on the front of the bus and Rex chased me as the front doors closed.

The bus driver stared at me and I didn't even pay attention to her. The coyote wandered off.

"Where to?" the old lady asked.

"Louisiana" I said as I reached in my bag to take a few gulps from my water bottle.

I decided to ride the bus again to a safer spot where I can walk. Georgia's hills are wild and definitely unsafe.

It took at least 4 hours to get to Louisiana. I sat and waited until then. Annie, the black lab I just found, she is a keeper and I'm glad that Lucky, me and Rex were not the only ones.

I wasn't tired at all since I slept all night .

I paid the bus fee which was 30$ and walked down a road that was gravel.

I looked at the map that Annie found and there was just crazy markings  everywhere.There was a huge forest that was right in front of me.

"You know what, let's go in the forest" I said to myself.

Adam's POV

I just got done doing Lucy's chores and throwing everything away in her room. I cant believe she would run away after what mom and dad did. She is a little pussy sometimes. I wish those dogs Rox and Lackey, whatever their names were , gets lost.

She stole money and food from this house and ran off like a scaredy cat.

"Adam!" my mother yelled.

I ran down the stairs and she was sitting at the table.

"Did you need something?" I asked her.

"Where do you think Lucy is? " she questioned me.

"I don't know..she can be anywhere... " I said honestly.

"She's probably somewhere where family is" my mother told me.

"I don't know...she's probably in Arizona with Auntie.." I said.

"Adam! Your a genius! OMG she probably is there.." mother yelled.

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