Chapter 15

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Uh oh! It was my parents... How did they find me. Omg I forgot! Rex has a tracker on his collar.

"Get in the car young lady, we are going back home!" my father yelled coming closer to me.

I ran as fast as I could with Annie in my arms. I just lost my small suitcase.Dang it! I ran in the forest where they couldn't find me and take me back to the house. I couldn't let them beat Lucky,Rex and Annie. I am not taking a chance.

I ran deep into the forest and I felt something grab ahold of me . It was Adam.

"What the hell are you doing, Lucy? Running away from home stealing money and food..." Adam said.

"I cant be beaten again along with...Lucky..and Rex..and especially..Annie..." I said taking deep breaths.

"Annie?" he questioned.

"A new dog I found..she had no home..I had to take her along.." I continued.

"You know what? Get out of here..gooo!" Adam yelled running away from me.

I think Adam understood but all he cares about is himself.

I ran faster but it was difficult to run with Annie in my arms.

I got to a good hiding spot and I set Annie down. I took off Rex's collar and tossed it into the air.

They can never find us now..

There was a small pond that I had to get through to go to the other side. I carefully walked through the pond carrying Lucky in one arm and Annie in another. They couldn't swim, they are just puppies but Rex is an excellent swimmer.

I reached the other side all soak and wet along with Rex.

There was a small cave that I walked over to and sat under.

I was so thirsty but I was in a forest so where in the world would I get a bottle of water.

No gas water fountains..nothing.. it was quiet and dark and all you can hear was birds chirping.

I fell asleep within the hour with Lucky ,Rex and Annie laying on top of my long skinny legs.

(Sorry for the short chapters..have been working on my other stories ... vote and comment..hope you like this book...(:

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