Chapter 2

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I walked to class saying "hi" to some of my friends. I sat in the seat in front, where my friend Samantha sits.

I saw her and she smiled . I was still kind of upset what Adam and Dad said. I ignored it and realized I was at school so I'm gonna have fun here at school with my friends.

My teacher, Mrs. Sosa, wanted to do Math first which is my favorite subject. 

School was already out and I waited by the tree at the front . I have been waiting for 10 minutes. Still,  no one picked me up,  so I chose to walk home which take at least an hour.

I know that I am almost 10 years old and walking home by myself but no one chose to pick me up.. so why not? I think its messed up.

An hour later.. I got home ignoring everyone, again.

"Lucy.. there you are! "my mom yelled as she grabbed me. She had tears in her eyes and couldn't even speak.

I saw Lucky on the couch with my brother. I didn't trust him at all with my pup.

Adam got mad because Lucky climbed on him and Adam smacked him making him whimper. I screamed and I ran to the couch to carry Lucky in my arms to my bedroom. That was the only safest place in the house. My bedroom.

I layed him in my bed wrapping him in my blanket that I have had since the day I was born.

I was scared. I was happy that it was Friday so I have the whole entire weekend with Lucky.

I opened my bedroom door and my father was on the couch and I needed to get Lucky some milk.

"What are you doing? " Dad asked me.

"Getting Lucky some crunchers.. " I said opening the bag then pouring it into a bowl.

"Well tomorrow I'm throwing those away and the milk.. " he said as he looked back at me.

"Why? "I ask him with a confused look.

"You cant feed him in this house anymore.. I wont tolerate it.. "

"I hate you! I am feeding him whether you like him or not! "

I yelled running to my room.

I gave Lucky his crunchers and milk. He was thirsty and hungry. No one fed him. Unbelievable. I started crying.

Lucky climbed in my arms and I hugged him.

I had my Aunties number and I really wanted to call her.  She lives in Arizona and I live in New York. That's really far ..

I ran out of my room to grab the house phone and ran back to my room. I dialed the number and I was waiting for her voice.

-"Hello ?"

-"Auntie? "

-"Oh. Hi Lucy.. how are you darling?"

-"I'm not doing so good.. "

-"Omg.. Lucy.. Are you okay.. talk to me.. whats going on? "

-"I just got a new puppy and my dad and Adam are being mean to him. "

-"Sweetie I am so sorry.. Your uncle and I want you to move with us.. but your mom won't agree.. we have been trying and I know that your dad treats you and your mom like crap.. now a puppy.. that's not good.. "

-"I just want to move away.. Dad doesn't like me and Mom don't care…

-"Just call me tomorrow.. I will think of something.. I just need time.. I gotta go sweetie.. I love you.. "

-"I love you too ..I'm scared… "

-"I know you are and please call me tomorrow.. love you.. bye"

-"Bye.. "

I cried and cried. I don't want to live here anymore. No one cares about me or Lucky .

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