With Eyes Like A Car Crash

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"Where are you off to, love?" Ben asked curiously as I rushed around for my shoes and keys.

"Work." I told him simply before cursing. Where the hell were my keys?

"Looking for these, love?" I heard jingles and looked to Ben who smirked from the single seater lounge. He held the keys in his hand.

"Yes, actually." I hurried over to get them but ended up tripping over my feet and landing on Ben. He groaned for a second because of the impact and I found myself laughing as I attempted to snatch the keys from him.

He shook his head and laughed at my useless attempts. "I'll drive you, I need your car anyway." He informed me whilst standing up. He pulled me to my feet and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, Ben. You can borrow my car." Sarcasm was practically dripping from every word that left my mouth.

"Cheers, sweet heart. What time do you finish?" We made our way to the car and it felt strange getting into the passenger's side.

"Four, I work at the mall." I told him.  He nodded and headed in that direction.

To avoid the silence, I pressed play on the stereo. None other than Asking Alexandria came through the speakers, Don't pray for me.

Ben turned to me with a smirk before mocking Danny's voice. I sang the clean parts to avoid embarrassing since my 'scream' was a violent whisper.

All too song we were at the mall. "So where are you taking my car?" I inquired, opening my door.

"Just 'round to a friends house, love. I'll pick you up at four." He winked and for some reason I felt a rush of heat cascade over my pale cheeks.

"Alright, drive safe." I smiled and he reversed, pulling away.

I walked into work, the small Hot Topic store and noticed Jasmine behind the counter.

I knew working with her, this five hour shift would go fast.


It flew by, to my personal delight. Except the entire shift I kept thinking back to Ben and I in the car, jamming out. His smile wouldn't seem to leave my mind, and I found myself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him with his snakebites.

I mentally shook myself for thinking that at all. I gazed at the time. Where was he? It's four thirty now.

My phone began buzzing and I answered without looking, expecting it to be Ben.

"Ash, Ben's been in an accident. I'm on my way to pick you up." Nikki's shaken voice appeared on the other line and I felt the air get caught in my throat.

"W-what?" But she'd hung up. A minute or so later, she pulled her car up beside me and I panickingly climbed in. "Go, just go." I cut her off before she could say anything.

Acid tears are what they felt like, they ran down my face and burned my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Why Ben?

We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out of the before Nikki had even brought it to a stop. I wasn't sure where I was going, all I could think of was if were okay.

As a million thoughts ran through my mind, I spotted James by the enterance and ran up to him. His eyes were slightly pink.

"Take me to him, now." My voice came out stronger than I thought it would and James looked a bit taken back. "Please," I added, feeling Nikki's presence behind me.

James nodded and lead up inside. the elevator wouldn't go quick enough. Finally reached floor four and stepped out.

James walked normally through the corridors, but I was itching to see Ben. I picked up my pace and followed the corridors according to James's directions.

"Room 400." He nodded to the one just in front of me. "Ash, wait." It was Sam.

I used all my strength to stop and look at him. "Why?" I asked. I could feel the tears again.

Sam just shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. He was warm and I knew deep down I needed to compose myself before seeing Ben.

I was supposed to be stronger than this.

Sam didn't let me go until my panicked breathing evened out. "He's okay, but someone is in there already. One person at a time." He said softly in my ear.

He pulled away from the hug and lead me over to the seats. Danny and Cameron were on the other ones and I wondered who was in the room with Ben.

With no seats available, Sam pulled me onto his lap and I didn't mind. I didn't get the feeling of it being anything other than brotherly.

My head rested on his shoulder and I saw Nikki sit beside Danny. She was holding his hand and he looked as bad as I did, probably worse. Ben was his best friend.

After a few minutes, Ben's door opened.

"Who are you?" The words had left my mouth before I could stop them. I felt everyone's eyes on me then.

"I'm Renee. Who are you?" Her face was caked in make up, her eyeliner slightly smudged. She wore tight jeans and a V neck shirt that showed off practically everything but her nipples.

I stood up. "I'm Ben's friend." Her eyes were sending me a warning to back off but I wouldn't back down.

With that, I walked into the room. I found Ben laying on a white sheeted ben, tubes sticking out his arms and things attatched to his chest.

I held back the tears, forgetting what had just happened on the other side of that door.

Ben opened his eyes and smiled. "Hey, you." I wanted to smack him for giving us all such a scare.

I didn't though, as my eyes fell across his torso, the tattoos caught my eye. Then I saw the huge bruise on his left side and up his whole arm. It wss already an ugly purple. He had a few scratches on his face and a bruise on his forehead.

"What have you done, Ben?" I sat right beside him, letting my fingers trace the outlines of his tattoos carefully.

I wanted to look at his face, into his eyes that always captivated me, but I was affraid I would cry. I was afraid I'd fall for him.

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