Red Square

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Once we'd arrived at the over priced and largely inhabited club, we secured a place in the long line.

I turned to Sam who stood beside me. "You guys are famous right? Why don't you get us in faster?" I joked with a cheeky smile. Sam laughed.

"You're a girl, you've got nice racks, go play hello titty with the bouncer." I gasped dramatically at Sam's rebuttle and shook my head.

"I'm a lady." I stated. There was a short pause before we both laughed at how ridiculous that sounded coming from my mouth.

In the three hours I'd known the boys, they had realised that Nikki I were extremely alike, but equally different.

"Nik, go flirt with the door guy." I winked at her and she grinned.

"Excuse me, boys." She fixed her hair and made sure her cleavage was in full view before making me check her teeth. With the all clear, she then made her way over to the bouncer.

I hadn't heard what she said to him, only the flirtatious giggle that spilled from her rosy lips. It had the affect we were going for and we were all let in before at least twenty other people.

Nikki proudly strode over to me and we linked arms. "Nice job, now can we get free drinks with those tits too?" Danny smirked over at Nikki who grinned.

"Come on then, let's try." She took his hand and lead him to the bar.

I turned to Ben in the crowd of people grinding on each other. His shades were off and his big eyes were scanning to room, probably looking at the asses of some of the girls here. I didn't blame him. This town was full of babes, of both kinds.

Suddenly he stepped closer to me and leant down to my ear. "What is this shit?" He asked over the loud music. I assumed that was what he was talking about.

"Music apparently." I shrugged and Sam pointed to the bathroom. James followed him and Ben and I were left alone. "Want to dance?" I asked him.

For some reason I was nervous about his answer, but he obliged happily to my asking and I lead him out on the floor.

I grinned at him when I caught him staring. We started swaying to the music with the other people dancing. I wanted to learn so much more about Ben, about them all. I really wished this night could just last forever.

Ben's hands found my waist and he pulled me closer, sending a chill down my spine. I kept dancing, refusing to act upon it. I didn't mind, but I hoped he hadn't gotten the wrong idea.

I felt like Ben was more of a fuck 'em, dump 'em type, one night stands being his preference. I wasn't like that at all. If I was in a better position in my life, I might considering dating. But I was pretty certain that wouldn't ever happen with Ben Bruce of all people.

Pulling me away from my thoughts was Nikki, who was literally pulling me into her body, in a fit of girly giggles.

"Baby, come dance with me! Danny said so!" She grinned and began unsteadily swaying with me. Ben gave me a quick wink before wandering over to Danny who sat with the others at a table. Surprise, surprise, all of their eyes on us.

I Can't Take Another Disappointment- Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now