Chapter 9 - "Living in an alternate universe might be a good start."

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[Cass's P.O.V]

Dean and I were presenting our project today. We would read out each other's chosen song lines and say what we figured out about each other from their choice of song and lines.

The people who'd presented until now were okay. The figuring out part was sometimes just a load of crap.

I actually tried to do this project and I know Dean did too.

That day when I'd told him about C, I don't know what came over me. I felt like I was getting too free around Dean.

I pulled away just a bit and I knew he was confused but he let it go and didn't make any efforts to win the bet since Tuesday.

Right now though, he was getting on my nerves.

"Bolton, quit it!" I hissed at him smacking his arm.


"Quit shaking the damn table."

He had been shaking his leg which in turn led to him shaking the table.

"Right." And he stopped, running his hand through his dark brown locks.

"Don't tell me you're actually nervous." I said incredulously.

"Not about presenting. I'm worried about what you'll think of it."

I frowned at him slightly, "You didn't do something stupid did you?"

He shook his head, "I think I figured you out a bit. You may not like it though."

I thought about this for a minute and told him, "I won't get mad if it's accurate."

He looked relieved.

"Dean, Cass. You guys are up." Joey called out.

We stood up and walked to the front of class and exchanged the papers we were holding.

I started, "We had the words 'Monster' and 'Secret'. Bolton here" -I indicated him - "Picked out these lines."

I read out the lines and looked back up.

[A/N If you don't remember the lines they picked, refer Chapter 8 when they discuss the songs.]

I glanced at Dean and then at Joey before speaking again.

"From the lines he picked, I learned a few things. At least it's my interpretation. If you don't like it, Well I don't really care."

At this, everyone chuckled and I continued.

"Dean here, doesn't like to talk about his problems. Or at least that's what he thinks at first. He's willing to deal with his demons all by himself and he doesn't want anyone's help.

But" I paused here to add effect and glanced at Dean who was looking at me curiously " According to his second song choice, he's ready to trust someone. To tell them things or in other words 'give all his secrets away'." I finished quoting the song.

"Yeah... and that's it."

Joey looked at me approvingly, "Good job Cass." He glanced at Dean, "What do you think?"

He was staring at me and he nodded, "She got it right."

I smirked at him, "Your turn Bolton."

He shrugged, "Fine."

He read out the lines I'd chosen and looked back up at the class after glancing at me.

"Alright so the first song sounds fairly creepy I know. That's what I thought too but then I paid attention to the words and using what I know about Winters here, I learned some things too.

She has a dark past that she never talks about. She pushes it back and tries to ignore it but it still haunts her."

I was stunned and it must've shown on my face because Dean gave me a small smile before continuing, "The second song tells me that she thinks she's changed and she feels it may not be for the better. And that's what I figured out."

Joey clapped and the rest of the class followed, "Cass, what do you think?"

I found my voice, "Accurate."

He nodded at me and told us both to take our seats.

"Are you mad at me?" Dean asked after we sat.

I shook my head, "I'm surprised but I'm not mad. Am I that easy to read?"

"No. I guess song choices do say a lot about a person."

I nodded and we stopped talking.

After the last few people finished, Joey called the class to attention.

"So now you guys know you can interpret a lot about a person from even something as small as their choice of song to represent a word. I know it seems more like a psychology project than an English one but I'm guessing it's helped at least a few of you know your partners better. I could've done the cliché 'Give you a list of questions to ask each other' but I wanted to do something different. And let's be honest - this was a lot deeper.

Speaking of deep - next week we start Shakespeare!" He finished enthusiastically making almost everyone groan.

He gave us the last five minutes free and Dean and I just talked about random things. The rest of my day went by normally.

At the end of it, I'd been talking to Luke when Mariah suddenly showed up.

"Hey Cass! Oh, Hiya, Cousin. I didn't see you there."

We greeted her and I asked her, "Sup?"

"Did you guys hear?"

"Hear what?" Luke asked.

"Gordon Delaware transferred to another school."

"Good riddance." Luke said firmly with some anger in his voice. Almost everyone knew why Dean and he fought.

"Aren't you relieved Cass?" Mariah asked me as we walked out of the school.

I shrugged, "Doesn't make a difference to me. I have the feeling even if he came back, he wouldn't bother me anymore."

"Right, okay. I'm having a party tonight. You're coming." Mariah said firmly.

I gave a sarcastic laugh, "Hah, you're funny. How about no? No wait, how about never?"

Luke looked at me with puppy dog eyes, "Come on Cass. Please!"

"Nope. And you can't change my mind." I told them

"What do we have to do to get you to come to the party?" Mariah asked me placing her hand on her hip and tilting her head, letting her light brown ponytail fall over one shoulder.

I shouldered my bag which I'd been holding in my hand till then and I looked at her, "Living in an alternate universe might be a good start."

Luke snorted but sobered up as soon as his cousin shot him a glare.

She turned back to me, "Are you sure you don't want to come?"


"Alright see you on Monday then." She waved at me and they both said goodbye as I walked home.


Yeah I know it's a small chapter. But I didn't have much to write here. So they both learned a bit about each other.

I feel like the 'New Girl attending a crazy party' thing is a bit cliché which is why I don't let Cass attend any. I'm like a crazy-strict mom. :P

Stay tuned for the next chapter. xD

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