Maybe This Trip Wasn't So Bad (JohnDave)

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Third Person P.O.V

Dave groaned as the baby in the seat behind him started crying for what must've been the fourth time that day. He was on an airplane trip to go visit a friend of his. He had been seated next to a complete stranger who had introduced themselves to be John Egbert as they had sat down. Dave had quickly said his name back before showing he wasn't open to a conversation by staring out the window. The other male had shrugged it off almost too easily and gone to do his own thing. Then the baby had started crying. And crying. And crying. Occasionally the mother would shut it up but for most of the trip it had been crying and it was really beginning to get on Dave's nerves. He had finally had enough and he pulled out his earbuds to hopefully drown out the noise with some music. He had only had them in for about two minutes before he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was John. He pulled out one earbud and grumbled out an annoyed, "What?" John looked apologetic and Dave almost felt bad for snapping at him so easily. "I'm sorry I was just wondering if it would be ok if we shared those earbuds of yours. It's totally fine if you don't want to though!" John quickly added at the end. Dave felt bad for getting mad so he reluctantly handed the boy the side of his earbud he had taken out. John lit up and thanked him as he put it in. They both could sort of hear the baby still but it was much better than before as they focused on the music pumping into their ears. When the baby stopped crying again Dave expected John to hand him back his earbud but the other male didn't, seeming to actually be really into the music as he moved his head to the beat. Dave couldn't help but smirk slightly at the sight. The guy was actually pretty darn adorable he had to admit. He quickly shook his head, trying to force away the thought. 'Come on Dave you don't even know the guy. You don't even know if he's gay.' He said to himself. John kept his half of the earbud until they landed. He smiled as he took it out and handed it back to Dave, thanking him. "And by the way, you have amazing music tastes!" Dave smiled a bit. "Thanks, man." John chuckled. "I really enjoyed this plane trip thanks to you!" "No problem dude." "Hey, if you don't mind, could I have your number? I want to talk to you more!" John smiled in such an innocent manner that Dave couldn't help but cave in and hand over his contact info. "Thank you, Dave!" John said happily before waving and heading off the plane. Dave stood and waved back for a moment, smiling slightly. Yep. There was no denying it now. He had fallen in love with a random stranger from a plane trip. He chuckled to himself as he gathered up his stuff and left, feeling happier than he had before the plane trip. Maybe that baby crying hadn't been such a bad thing. Maybe this plane trip wasn't so bad as a whole.

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