Adventure (Dirkjake)

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(This is not a continuation of the last fic. It is its own story. This takes place while they were together during sburb)

Jake's P.O.V

"Come on Dirk! It's time to go!" I yell out to Dirk from the doorway. "Be there in a second!" He yelled back. I heard the clank of metal against wood as he picked up his sword. We were going on another temple adventure. I checked my sylladex and I had plenty of bullets for my guns. Dirk walked up and gave me a slight peck on the lips. I blushed a little and Dirk smirked. "Let's go." I smiled and nodded. Roxy had recently informed us of another one back on her planet. We quickly traveled there and checked out the door. "Cool! Another skull puzzle! I wonder if I'll be able to keep one as a souvenir this time." Dirk chuckled. "Maybe they will. Come on. Let's go see if we can find any Salamander skulls." I nodded excitedly and we headed off. Soon, we found a dark cavern with a stone tablet in front of it. Man, these things were everywhere. I picked it up and read it aloud. "If you are reading this, you must be one of the Nobles. Unless you're one of us in which case stop reading this and go make your own tablet! Now, if you are a Noble, then welcome! You will find most of the places around here are made to be puzzles only unlockable after all our deaths. I am unable to help you as much as I wish I could as our bodies are likely to be scattered everywhere. Please, do not be afraid to pick up any of our body pieces that you may need. It is the last thing we can do to help you on your quest. Sincerely, a salamander friend." Dirk laughs. Oh, how his laugh is amazing. "These things really aren't helpful are they." he said. I laughed "Yeah, but that's ok. It means we get to solve the puzzles!" Dirk smiled at me and nods. "Anyway, the skulls got to be in there somewhere. If only we had a light..." Dirk looked thoughtful before pulling something out of his sylladex. It looked to be a flashlight with shades as the button. "This could help. I made it earlier." "That should help!" He handed it to me and I turned it on. It didn't light much but we could in front of us well enough. "Onward to adventure!" I exclaim. Dirk leans down gives me peck on the nose before nodding and entering. I blush as I follow him. We look around and see that there is a pedestal holding a salamander skull on it. "Oh! It's just like Indiana Jones! I bet there's a stone that will chase as if we disturb the skull!" Dirk smirks at me as I squeal in excitement. All of this is just like the movies! I search my sylladex and find that the only thing that could fit as a replacement for the skull is my turtle one. I sigh. Skull for a skull I guess. I pull it out and quickly retrieve the salamander skull and replace it with the turtle skull. Just as I start to tip toe away, the pedestal lowers. I guess the turtle skull was a bit heavier than the salamander one. A giant rock ball falls from the ceiling and I cover my face in anticipation of it crushing me. I was no Indiana. This thing was going to crush me. Then, I hear the swish of a sword being pulled out and I hear the clash of rock against steel. I lower my hands and see Dirk is pushing through the rock with his sword. I sit there in awe as he pushes through until the rock falls to the ground in halves. I may not be a hero but Dirk sure is. Dirk looks back to me frowning. "You ok, Jake?" I shake my head and blush, realizing I had been staring at him. "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Thanks to you." I look to Dirk and smile. He smiles and walks up to me. "I think that's enough danger for today." "Aww! But Dirk! We didn't even finish the puzzle!" "The puzzle will still be there tomorrow. You nearly just got crushed by a giant boulder! I swear those consorts are insane." He says sweetly as he shakes his head and grabs my hands. I can't help but blush. I might want to be a tough movie hero but compared to Dirk, I'm just the sidekick. He smirks at my blush and kisses me. I kiss back before we separate and he starts to lead me back to the way back to his planet. I shake my head in disappointment but follow all the same. He just wants me to be safe. I remind myself. He loves you and wants to to be safe. I smile at the thought and quickly rush up to his side. I love him too. 

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