Honey and Jelly (Erisol) (Humanstuck)

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(Thanks to @SwirlingDarkness for the idea! I had a lot of fun writing this!)

Sollux's P.O.V

I looked in the mirror before starting another day. My left was red with flecks of blue and the right one was a deep purple. I shook my head and put on my glasses. It didn't matter. So what if my soulmate was out there somewhere with eyes like a mirror view of mine. What did it matter if I was never going to meet them. I never went anywhere besides work and the local coffee shop so how could I? I would never find them so my eye color didn't matter. I put on my coat as it was early fall and chilly out before leaving for the coffee shop. I arrived and walked up to the front to order my usual. The person at the front was new. At least, I had never seen them here before. They had black hair that was highly styled with a purple streak right through the middle. He also wore glasses that glared in the sunlight, blocking his eyes from view. He looked up as I approached and it took all my composure to keep going as I saw his eyes. They were just like mine... One purple one red and blue... That didn't mean anything though right? I'm sure several people have a color combo like this. Yeah. Right. I was glad he couldn't see my eyes through my multicolored shades as I ordered and sat down to wait.

Eridan's P.O.V

I sat at my new job, bored as hell. Why had this been the best I could get? Whatever. Someone walked in and I plastered on my fake smile. The man looked as though his face had been permanently trapped in a frown. He wore a pair of glasses with multicolored lenses that blocked his eyes. He seemed to almost pause as I looked up. Did he recognize me or something? He continued up to me and ordered quickly before sitting down. I called the order back to my coworker and looked back to the man. Something drew me to him. I couldn't explain it. Soon, his order was ready and I was called upon to give it to him. I walked to the table and dropped off the drink. The man appeared to be avoiding my gaze for some reason. He took the drink without looking at me and handed me a folded up dollar bill that I assumed to be a tip. I thanked him and he just nodded back. I pocketed the bill in my apron before walking back to my post at the front. I watched as he left the shop with his drink. I waited for the next customer slightly happier than I had been before. 

Sollux's P.O.V

I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe I just wrote my pesterchum on a napkin and put it in a folded up tip. Why had I done that? I walked home without drinking my coffee. My mind was too distracted. I sat down in my computer chair after arriving. Well, I might as well wait and see if he pesters me. 

Eridan's P.O.V

I got home and took off my apron. Then, I remembered the tip from that man! I dug in my pockets until I found it. I pulled it out quickly and something fell out and to the ground. It was a napkin with something written on it. I picked it up and took a closer look. It appeared to be a pesterchum. Why had he given me this? Whatever. Might as well see what he wanted. I've got nothing better to do. I walked to my computer and logged on to pesterchum before looking up the name. I sent a chat request and said, "Hello? Is this the man from the coffee shop with the red and blue shades?" I quickly got a message back. "Yes. Sorry iif II came off as awkward before. II just thought you looked liike a niice person but II'm awkward as fuck when iit comes to talkiing to people." I smiled. This guy seemed nice enough. "No big deal. I'm not awkward myself but I understand those wwho are." There was a pause. "Ok... Well, what's your name?" The conversation went on for a while. "Wwell, I havve to go to bed. Wwork again tomorrow and all." "Ok. II miight come get coffee agaiin." "Cool! See you then." "Yeah. See you then." I logged off and got ready for bed. 

Sollux's P.O.V

He actually answered. He actually spoke to me. He seemed full of himself which could get annoying but he seemed like an overall good guy. I sighed and got ready for bed. I fell asleep, excited about seeing ED again tomorrow. I woke up and went to the coffee shop again. After ED was done with work he messaged me and we talked. This pattern continued for a while until I finally got the confidence to do what I had been wanting to for a while. I invited him over to hang out in person for more than 5 minutes. He accepted and I gave him the address. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. I checked to make sure my glasses were on before answering. I wasn't ready to show him that he might be my soulmate yet.

Eridan's P.O.V

I was excited. He had invited me over! I arrived and knocked on the door to his apartment. The first thing I noticed was that he was still wearing those glasses of his. He had told me he could see without them so it confused me as to why he still wore them all the time. The rest of his outfit was almost the same as always too. Jeans, mismatched shoes, and a t-shirt with the Gemini sign on it. I was wearing my casual outfit too. I had opted out of my cape but I had my scarf, rings, striped pants, and a long sleeved shirt with the Aquarius sign on it. Sol let me in and led me to his small living room. We sat on the couch and he turned on the T.V. We sat in silence and I tried to focus on the show but I kept getting distracted by thoughts of Sol's glasses. Why did he wear them all the time? Was he hiding his eyes? Why? I needed to know what he was hiding. "Hey, Sol?" I started. "Yeah, ED?" I liked that little nickname he had given me. "Wwhy are you alwways wwearing those if you don't need 'em?" I asked, gesturing to his glasses. He put a hand on them. "No reason." "Then, can you take them off? I wwant to see your eyes." "No." "Wwhy not?"  "Just no." I huffed. "But I wwant to see your eyes!" I whined. Sol sighed. "Well, your answer is no." I growled. I wasn't giving up until I saw his eyes. I jumped at him and held his arms down. His glasses were off kilter but still on. Sol had his eyes shut tight. "The fuck ED?!" "Let me see your eyes." I hissed. "No!" "Wwhy the fuck not?!" Sol didn't answer. I held his arms still with one hand and made for his shades with the other. He started squriming and struggling but kept his eyes shut. "Come on Sol. I promise nothing bad wwill happen if you showw me your eyes." I said gently. Sol's lids relaxed but didn't open. "You promise?" I nodded, then, remebering he couldn't see, replied. "Yes." Slowly, Sol opened his eyes. I stared at them and watched as his one purple eye faded to blue with specks of red as if the oppisite of his other with it's red with blue specks. I felt a tingle around my eye and felt it change. It must've have faded to my natrual purple. I let go of Sol's hands and sat up. I could feel my face heat up and Sol was blushing too. "Your eyes..." I whispered "Yeah..." He whispered back. We sat in silence for a bit with the only noise being the T.V. and our breathing. Slowly, I moved away from Sol and allowed him to sit up. "So, soulmates huh..." I said finnaly. " Yeah..." "Wwell... I do really like you" "II liike you too..." I smiled. "You wwant to go to a movvie or something sometime?" Sol smiled back. "Sure." "I lovve you Sol." "II love you too ED. II love you too." 

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